Have you ever spotted something so gorgeous on social media, that you immediately have to pop over to the page showcasing the item and discover more about the business? Well, that’s how I felt the first time I saw Natural Selection Decor and their gorgeous items.

You know that I love anything with colour and animal print, so I feel like each and every item spoke to me and immediately needs to be purchased for my home and to bring more happiness into my life.
I reached out to Natural Selection Decor to ask if I could chat to them a little more about their business, and they were so helpful, as well as quick, with answering my queries and letting me know a little more about this gorgeous decor business. Are you ready?
Get to know the brand
Your names: Kim Speer and Clarissa Kok

Business Name: Natural Selection Decor
Social Media Handles: Website and Instagram
Fun facts about yourselves: Kim loves to work anywhere and everywhere, and Clarissa wants to work home – so we always meet halfway where’s there’s coffee!
How long have you been in business for: We started last year – August 2022
Who is your ideal client, and who do you think would love your products: Our ideal client loves colour, loves their home and definitely no 40 shades of beige here!

The faves
What is your personal favourite item: Kim’s is our Tuniz Leopard – it’s printed on a suzani print and Clarissa loves our Taj sling bag!
What have been your most popular items: Definitely our Taj Leopard cushion covers! Fun and lovable!

What makes your products so unique: We combine colour, fun and style!
How can people purchase your products: At any of our listed stockists on our Instagram page or our website.
What are the different products that you sell: We sell scatters, throws, wall hangings, make up bags and sling bags.
Why did you start this business: Purely by chance, kismet and the universe aligning!

Quote you live by: Live a life of colour.
Anything else you want to add: We are so thankful that South Africans love our product and have been supporting us so incredibly! Grateful every single day.
In closing
So now I want to know from you… What is your favourite item from Natural Selection Decor?
And what is top of your wishlist?