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With Christmas already over, I thought I would share with you something that we ALWAYS have at our family Christmas – chicken liver pate.  Mum has always made the most delicious pate & eating it brings back the best, happy memories.  I have tried different recipes, but none can quite compare to my staple!


Mum’s Chicken Liver Paté

500g Chicken Livers                                           125g Butter
1 medium onion – chopped                               250g bacon- chopped
1-2 tsp chopped garlic                                       salt & pepper to taste
Pinch of mixed herbs                                        45ml Brandy/Sherry
10ml Worcestershire sauce

Place all ingredients in a saucepan, except brandy, and cook slightly. The centre of the livers should still be slightly pink. Add brandy right at the end.
When slightly cooled, put in Magimix and process until smooth.
Pour into suitable dishes and refrigerate.

Photo 2018-12-23, 13 26 41

Let me know once you have tried this & what you think!

I love this with some crackers, or even some crudites.  But all I know is that this is good & I always enjoy it.

Please note, if you reshare this recipe, you need to tag Flowercrowns & Treatment in your post.  Please also tag me in your pics showing off your skills – I would love to see them.


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