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Isn’t it amazing how the social media algorithms show us pages and groups that we may find interesting, or that fit into our lives just so perfectly?

Recently Wendy’s Art came up as a page that I may like, and I was immediately interested in her Mini-Impe’s – then as I spent some time browsing through her art I knew that I had to interview Wendy for my blog. She is so talented, and offers unique gift ideas that will be treasured forever.

I am so grateful that Wendy took the time to answer my questions, and that I got to learn more about her as a person and her gorgeous art that she creates!

Your name: Wendy Smit

Business name: Wendy’s Art

Social media handles: Facebook; Instagram; Twitter and Tiktok

3 fun facts about you:

  • I’m a perfectionist but only when it comes to my art, for the rest I am actually very easy going
  • I LOOOOVE any form of potato!
  • I’m a real busy body, before I am done with the one project I already knows what the next one will be. I cannot sit still for 5 minutes
  • I was a teacher but I hated it ☺
  • I am a true believer that anything anyone can do I can do as well. So my husband knows to by me power tools these days instead of the more traditional presents
  • I love travelling

Have you always been artistic: 100% yes, ever since I can remember

What makes your art so unique: As I have gained experience over the years my art has change allot. I would say my art is completely realistic in an unrealistic way if that makes sense.

How would you describe your style of art: Funky, modern and personal. Some reason when it comes to my paintings I love and prefer to paint women

Which is your personal favourite piece that you have done:

Monochrome Painting is probably my favourite colour combinations

Colour Painting

Pencil Sketches

Mini-Impe’s (I love all my mini-impes so hard to pick favourites here)

Please tell me a little more about your Mini Impe’s: I love creating them because the mini impersonators are realistic but also not. Each and every piece excites me as much as it does the owner so all my energy and love goes into each piece. I love the fact that people can recognise themselves in the mini-impes. They are a great conversation point for everyone visiting with people guessing what mimi-impe represents who in the family and reliving at the same time the experience the mini-impe portrays. For me it’s a much nicer way to capture memories than the traditional photos on a wall. 

How can people order from you: All orders can be done through my website.

Who is your target audience for these products: For the mini-impe’s its everyone that wants to capture memories in a unique and fun way

Quote you live by:

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.

Benjamin Franklin

Anything else you want to add: To be able to do what you love doing the most in the world and to call it your work, is for me living my dream

I know that I definitely want to order a Mini-Impe for my home – but trying to decide which moment I want captured is proving to be the most difficult part. Perhaps our wedding day? Or should I capture our “normal”? Or the fact that we survived lockdown and everything that 2020 threw our way?

Wendy, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions and for allowing me to feature you on my blog. I absolutely love everything you have on offer and really appreciate the person that you are.

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