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Whilst looking for beautiful stationery for my letter writing to my pen pal & just general scrapbooking & journalling, I was thrilled to come across Waddles & Radley.  I placed my order for their Unicorn Waddle Box & waited for this to arrive with great anticipation!  It arrived in a lovely box with my name on it & ribbon tied around it.  From the first impression you could immediately see the level of care & love that goes into putting these together & that the owners truly care about what they are doing.

I opened the box & saw a whole pile of gorgeous goodies lying there just waiting to be admired!  I immediately contacted Waddles & Radley, & asked them if it would be possible to do a blog about them.  It would just be selfish if I kept this gem to myself & knew I had to tell more people about this beautiful discovery.27858916_630842930443544_1841479461248065678_n

The Unicorn Edition included:
5x bright coloured C6 envelopes
5x A6 folded greeting cards
1x A5 weekly planner notepad
1x sticker sheet (assorted designs)10x gift tags with ribbon
1x A5 art print
4x adhesive backed inspiration labels
5x assorted paper straws (various patterns)
1x 2m dot satin ribbon
1x 2m petersham ribbon1x mini glitter bottle (unicorn farts)
1x battery operated wire twinkle lights
10x mini wooden pegs
3x mini foldback clips (assorted colours)
1x fridge magnet.

Your name:  Katya and Sean

Business name:  Waddles & Radley Stationery Co.

Social media handles:  Facebook & Instagram

Tell me more about what you do:  We’re a bespoke stationery design studio for weddings and special events. In addition to our design work we have also introduced our lovely Waddle Boxes which allow us to tap into another level of creativity and spread our love for stationery.


Why stationery:  Why not stationery? We’re the people who look at a digital image and immediately start thinking about how lush it might look printed on a textured board. Or how the colours might pop on a velvet-like backing. We’ve developed a real love and appreciation for paper.

What makes your products so special:  We really do try and make each item special; and we do this through our attention to detail and precision. Every item, no matter how small, is printed, cut and assembled by hand. If you ever happened to be in our studio as we’re packaging Waddle Boxes; you will hear a loud “bye friends” as each item is prepared and locked away in its box for delivery to its new home.

Why do you love what you do:  There’s a saying that when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance. There could be no truer saying for us than that. It’s unparalleled happiness to know that something you’ve designed, printed, cut and assembled is appreciated by others. Our hearts and souls are poured into our products.

Tell me more about the Waddle Box:  The Waddle Box is a special monthly series of boxes. Each month is a limited edition theme and includes an array of stationery products from notepads to cards and other stationery tools. We try and keep the themes quite fresh and unique; but always try and add a little quirk as well. We’re usually inspired by a ribbon we might find or a funny image and go from there. It’s always an interesting process to see the initial idea transform into the full box.

What is your favourite product:  The Unicorn Farts (glitter bottle) from our September Unicorn Edition was probably the highlight for us. But it changes from month to month. If it’s quirky, we’re bound to love it.

How can people order from you:  Orders can be placed on our website through our secure online shop powered by Payfast. Alternatively send us an email or a Facebook or Instagram message and we’ll help you through the order process. We’re super friendly!

Quote you live by:  “What if I fall? Oh but darling, what if you fly?”

Anything else you want to add:  We’re always on the lookout for popular themes, so we’d welcome any suggestions!

I just LOVE this idea, & who doesn’t enjoy getting a whole box of happiness & goodies?  Next month they are having a MEOW! Waddle Box, & I am so very tempted to subscribe to this as well – perhaps for a whole year to build up my collection of lovely things so I can write letters to those that are so very special to me & help them see their true worth.  I have included some sneak peaks of their box below – I have framed some of the cards & images from my Unicorn Box as decor & I know that these new creations could be used in this way too.

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