Pretty Bright Girls

When Libby started helping us in our home some time back, I asked her what she would like to wear.  Did she want to wear civvies, or would she rather have a uniform?  She said a uniform would suit her better as this made it feel like she was going to work & she didn’t […]

Be Kind To Every Kind

Did you know that this month is #PlasticFreeJuly? When I found out about this, I vowed that I was going to do my little bit to be more eco-friendly.  I have chosen to say “NO!” to plastic bags at all the shops, & carry my own fabric bags with me.  If I forget them at […]

Nut Butter Mafia

Our family has always had a slight obsession with nut butters – on apples or bananas; in a smoothie; on toast with sugar/syrup/bacon; mixed together with ice cream & milo; or even just out the jar as a little pick me up (yes, by the spoonful!).  In fact there are probably at least 10 other […]


Magic is all around us – you just have to believe! A symptom of Myasthenia Gravis is struggling to swallow, & this is the one that I battle with most of all.  There have been times that I have gone days without being able to eat anything, & when I am really battling I can’t […]

My perfect Match(a)!

About 2 weeks ago I received a parcel from Just Matcha that contained a tin of matcha & the sweetest handwritten note.   Matcha has so many amazing benefits, & I have been contemplating buying some for quite a while now.  I have really been battling with a lack of energy, & because I often […]

The Hemp Cream

I will never recommend a product unless I have tried it myself, & have actually seen benefits of using it.  My skin used to be something I really took pride in, & skincare has always been vital to me.  Whilst studying Beauty Therapy I came to realise the importance of our decisions now & the […]


“That’s the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It’s the most powerful magic in the world, the only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs.” ― Rumplestiltskin Growing up I LOVED fairytales!  In fact, I still love them…  I think the idea of “happily […]

Christine Bernard

Family…  Forever.  For Always.  No Matter What. When its your birthday, you start getting all these requests of “what would you like?”, “what do you want for your birthday?” etc etc.  I had no cooking clue what I really wanted, so began to search for something that would be special & that I would keep […]

Rogue’s Pawsome Bakery

If you know anything about me, you know that my animals are my children & our number one priority!  They sleep in the bed with us; come on holiday when we go away (when possible); & I have cried nearly every time I have had to take them to the vet.  There are times that […]

Nib and Bristle

Put on your crown; let us conquer the world.” For my birthday, I decided I wanted something a little bit special as my “guest book”, & not something that would simply be put away at the bottom of the drawer & forgotten about.  I started googling ideas for this along with ideas for decor, & […]