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I will never recommend a product unless I have tried it myself, & have actually seen benefits of using it.  My skin used to be something I really took pride in, & skincare has always been vital to me.  Whilst studying Beauty Therapy I came to realise the importance of our decisions now & the effect that they will have on our skin for years to come.  A good product is so important, but so is finding the product that works best for YOUR skin.


A friend of mine has started this business, THC – The Hemp Cream & after stalking her page for a while, I knew I had to try it out for myself.  We were going to an event with Rare Diseases SA so I quickly contacted Melissa & asked for one of her sample kits to try for a week.


The foot repair gel has such a variety of uses – including for cold sores, cracked heels, insect bites & so much more.  I even used it to moisturise my lips & the tingle was wonderful!  This is a product that I personally feel should be in every first aid kit.

Both the day & night creams are MAGICAL for anti-ageing, inflammation, pigmentation, loose saggy skin, eczema and more.  The night cream is thicker (as it should be) & the fragrance of both of these is just divine.  My skin feels a whole lot softer & I also used these on my scars at the same time to find these have healed a whole lot quicker & I haven’t developed keloids.  The photos below show the difference in just 7 days – the only change I made to my skincare routine was adding these products from THC!

I also had a growth burnt off my finger when I had my port inserted, & it was just not healing.  It is right on the tip of my finger (& extends under my nail) & every time I bumped it, it felt like a jolt of electricity went through my body.  So I thought I would try apply the foot repair balm & these are the results in a week:

WhatsApp Image 2018-06-21 at 15.31.34
Top image – Healing              Bottom image – 1 week later

Ultimately, I only have positive things to say about these products.  My skin looks & feels so much better; it has healed a lot quicker than normal; & I love the idea that there are more natural ingredients!  I had a quick little chat to Melissa to find out more…

THC - Melissa & Aidan

Your name: Melissa Botha

Your business name: The Hemp Cream

When did you start: December 2017

What did you do before this: Running Raising Aidan where I manufacture and distribute a microwave cupcake mix. (Still running that)

How/why did it start: I needed a change mostly… I run it to support myself obviously, but mainly to support my special needs son Aidan who has Costello Syndrome. His medical and related costs each month average R35 000.

What do you love most about having your own business: The freedom it offers me to be a mom to a special needs child. I can take time off when I choose to, I can be there for all of Aidan’s challenges.

What have been some of your biggest battles with running your own business: Running your business is not an overnight study. I’ve been learning since 1998 how to run a business and gained most of my knowledge during the early 2000’s when I successfully hit leadership within Herbalife. Back then it was learning how to attract customers and keep them. Now my biggest challenges are being able to attract customers and keep them with ever changing technology. Also… upscaling a business is what I’m currently working on so I can have more reach and more growth.

What is your main objective for your business: To give me the ultimate freedom – financial freedom to pay bills… AND then to be able to travel at the drop of a hat as often as I’d like to without the worry of losing income if I’m away, and having enough money to do so.

Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances in our nation.” – Thomas Jefferson

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