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“That’s the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It’s the most powerful magic in the world, the only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs.”
― Rumplestiltskin

Growing up I LOVED fairytales!  In fact, I still love them…  I think the idea of “happily ever after” is something that we can never grow out of.

Do you remember the story of Rumpelstiltskin?  He could spin straw into gold, & when I reminded myself of this, I knew that Melissa could not have chosen a more apt name for her business!

Rumpelstiltskin is her baby, & she creates handmade sewn toys (without a pattern I may add!) for so many people.  And one thing that really blew me away is that even though this is her own small home-business, she still finds it in her heart to give away her toys to others that are less fortunate simply to brighten their day.

Earlier this year I was hospitalised for PCP Pneumonia & my lungs were taking huge strain.  They were only functioning at 30% & the doctors weren’t sure if I would pull through.  They quickly put me on to all sorts of treatment (I am still on antibiotics – 6 months later) & I was allowed to go home after 2 weeks.  And this is what I came home to!  A set of happy, healthy lungs!  This cushion reminds me every day about how far I have come & that I need to take care of & listen to my body…  After I had received this I knew I had to get to know Melissa more, & we have developed a special friendship – despite never having met in person.28869993_10159863299570198_6260597677885489152_n

Your name: Melissa Marneweck

Some interesting/fun facts about you:  I love baking and all things art. I’ve been a gym instructor; an ambulance assistant; arts facilitator; an author and lots more. I love learning new things and trying them out.

Your business name: Rumplestiltskin

When did you start:  2015 on Facebook. But I have been making toys since around 1995.

What did you do before this:  Arts facilitator for water affairs.

How/why did you start:  I’ve always loved sketching.designing and all forms of crafts and art.

What do you love most about having your own business: Being home with my son!

What have been some of your biggest battles with running your own business:  Long hours & having to do it all.

What is your main objective for your businesses: To help others and become a household name.


She sent me a unicorn cushion that she had made for me for my birthday, just to make me smile!  And believe me it did.  I love the magic, rainbows & positivity that everything around unicorns possesses.

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Please contact this amazing lady if you are looking for a one-of-a-kind toy/creation.  They each have their own personalities & are absolutely beautiful.  I feel truly honoured to have some of her toys in my home.

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