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I have really seen the benefits of going “natural” with some of my treatments, & this includes the food & drinks that I put into my body.  I am trying to drink more water, & less tea & coffee.  However, when I saw these gorgeous teas at Jozi Girl Eatery, I wanted to find out more about them.  What made them so special?  And what do they actually help with?

Your name: Lorna Jane Eppel

Business name: La Luna Blends

Social media handles: Facebook & Instagram


Tell me a bit more about your business: I offer unique teas to support women’s health

Where did the idea for these come about: I am a huge tea lover! When I was approached by a company to do this I immediately took the opportunity.

What are the different flavours & their uses: There are two teas, a moon time tea and a sleepy dream time tea. They both have the base ingredient to support hormones but the moon time tea supports our cycle and the sleepy dream time tea assists with relaxing and sleeping.


What makes your tea different from those we can buy at mainstream shops: This unique loose leaf tea isn’t like anything instore, the moon time tea is a soft pink colour and the sleepy time tea is blue. The beautiful design and packaging can also be upcycled.

Where can people buy your tea from: The Jozi Girl Eatery and Leafy Greens Cafe, online stores coming soon!

Why do you encourage women to drink this tea: This tea has so many hormone-balancing benefits, it assists with cramps, PMS as well as mood and energy levels.


Quote you live by: Magical blends for magical beings

These really are delicious teas, & you can feel a difference whilst drinking them so you can see the results for yourself.  And with such beautiful packaging, how can you resist?

Lorna has her own blog over at Jozi Girls Eats – give her a follow for more brilliant health hacks & recipes.


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