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“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti

Pinterest can be my best friend at times, but at others I just look at the images in complete disbelief & think “I could NEVER do that.” That’s sort of how I felt when I saw the following images (all taken off Pinterest):
I was in love with the simple beauty of them, & they created so much life to an otherwise dull frame/area. So last night I finally got a bee in my bonnet & decided to try my hand at making one – along with husbands help of course!
So here it goes, a super-duper easy-peasy lemon-squeezy way to make your own flower frame!
You need:
Old frame (this was from a photo frame that the glass was broken)
Paint/spray paint in colour of your choice (I used spray paint in Blush & added some copper accents to catch the light)
Fake flowers (I got mine from PEP, Crazy Store & on sale at Sheet Street. There are so many but watch the prices – you end up using quite a few so don’t go spending exorbitant amounts on a few flowers as your frame will end up looking quite sad)
Hot Glue Gun
How to make it:
Spray/paint the frame & leave it dry. Probably best to do this outside!
Trim down all fake flowers so you hardly have any stem – but make sure you don’t cut it too high up & the flower falls apart!
Strip the leaves off the stems.
Arrange flowers & leaves on the frame to get an idea of how you want it to look. Obviously you can add as many or as few flowers as you would like – you can even go all around the frame. It’s a great way to bring out your own personality!
Glue them in place!
Be very careful toot to get hot glue anywhere on your person. It hurts like a mofo & causes almost instant blistering.
Get husband to hold up frame & smile to make sure you’re happy with it.
Warren had to help me cut the flowers as some of them had quite thick wire & plastic in the stem part, but that was probably the trickiest part.
#Coachella #Boho #handmade

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