Building yourself up again

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“Straighten your crown, and build your empire.”

My beautiful birthday flower crown from Opgedollie

As a young girl, we are always told "you're a princess", or "you're so beautiful"; & the best part about this is that we truly believe it.  

We believe that Father Christmas does travel the whole to give presents to good children; we believe a little mouse manages to sneak into our house & take the tooth we had left under our pillow, & still leaves us a bright coin in exchange.  

We believe that there are fairies living at the bottom of our garden; & we go out wearing whatever we damn well please without worrying what others will say.

We believed we were the best singers & would croon away to ourselves. & anyone who would listen really!

We would wave at little old ladies; ask questions constantly & want to make friends with the next-door neighbour.
What changes?  

Is it as a result of what society enforces as the new "normal"?  Is it that longing to be considered "grown-up"?  Or do we simply lose hope in the lighter side of life when we see the particular hands we have been dealt?

Recently I was planning my birthday event & decided that this was going to be a big one.  Besides the fact that I am turning 30 (eek!), I really wanted to celebrate thatI am alive!  You see, earlier this year I had a major health scare & was told by 3 separate doctors on 3 separate occasions that they didn't think I would make it through the operation - never mind all the healing afterwards.  It scared the crap out of me.  It made me reassess what was truly important in my life & how things were going to change going forward.

Through my planning; hours on Pinterest trawling; & wasting time on Facebook; I also began to notice how people so often say they want a certain service or product that doesn't cost "an arm & a leg".  How do we determine the pricing of this?  Do we not want quality?  You pay for what you get after all...  And this is where the idea for this blog started.
I want to be able to put a little bit of spotlight on South African businesses (I try to #SupportLocal whenever possible), have some fun DIY ideas (I crochet, am learning to sew, make dreamcatchers & love trying new crafts!).
This year is a fresh start for me, a new chapter in my life book & I am starting a clean slate.

I am going to learn to love myself.  
I am going to buy those shoes, because flip they are amazing - who cares if husband told me I look like a Spice Girl from the 90s.
The shoes in question…
This year is about truly valuing every minute that I am here.  It is about speaking kindly to the lady at the counter at Checkers; & smiling at the little old lady in the shop.  It is about taking the time to talk to the car guard to find out more about him; or making a little something for your doctor to thank her for saving your life.

I am going to wear my flower crown when I go out in public & not care what people think; I am going to build that fairy garden at the bottom of my garden & I am going to choose kindness over the need to be right every time.

Thank you to Lene Visser from Opgedollie for making this masterpiece for me; for all your patience& understanding; & for your simply beautiful creation!  I couldn't be happier.  If you haven't yet seen her page, please pop on over.  And while you're there, why not get yourself a flower  crown?  Embrace 
the beauty inside yourself, & don't let that flicker of magic die out.

"Let Your Light Shine: - Matthew 5:16

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