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If you follow me on any of my social media platforms, you will know that I really battle with tummy issues and trying to improve my gut health. There is a lot of research that has been done into the relationship between gut health and autoimmune conditions, and I can definitely feel a flare coming on when I eat badly or eat foods that don’t agree with me.

Kombucha has been something that I have always enjoyed, and I am thrilled that there are now more craft kombuchas available that have different flavours, and it is a natural way to help your digestion, rid your body of toxins, and boost your energy.

Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. Not only does it have the same health benefits as tea — it’s also rich in beneficial probiotics. Kombucha also contains antioxidants, can kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases.


When I heard about De Crocky Kombucha I was immediately interested (keep reading to find out more about all the good they are doing), and when I heard that they are dog people too and this business was actually named after their Cocker Spaniel, I was even more determined to try some for myself and tell all of you about them! So get ready – this is a divine product that I give 5 stars to.

Get to know De Crocky

Your name: Jason De Freitas

Business Name: De Crocky (Pty) Ltd

Social Media Handles: Instagram, Facebook and Website

3 fun facts about yourself:
1) I love Cocker Spaniels
2) I enjoy fitness & health
3) I am a huge fan of Britney Spears (lol)

Please can you tell me about your beautiful dog that this was named after: Daphne was our beautiful Cocker Spaniel who sadly passed away nearly 3 years ago. My husband Ruaan & I got her shortly after we got married. It was a very magical time and she instantly bonded with our little family. Daphne was such a energy and we called her crocodile (the amount of times we came home to a destroyed house…). After she passed, Ruaan & I began developing our business idea that eventually became De Crocky. De Crocky is in honour of Daphne and keeps her spirit alive.

Why Kombucha: Kombucha can be such a versatile beverage. It can be tangy, sweet, sour or salty. It can be all of the above. Besides Taste, Kombucha has great health benefits from its consumption.

High in Glucuronic acid & living probiotics, Kombucha can boost your Immune system, lower your blood pressure & boost Cardiovascular Health.

When I go to a restaurant, there is not much selection for non-alcoholics. Kombucha is a great alternative for someone who doesn’t want a sugary fizzy drink or feels for something more adventurous than water.

What makes your product so unique: Our product is unique because of the way we make it. We want to ensure that every batch of kombucha that we produce is perfect or as close to as perfect as can be. On the pursuit of perfection, we know we will never achieve this, but with every batch we get closer and closer.

De Crocky only ferments in pharmaceutical grade 316 stainless steel. This allows for a more balanced kombucha. We are fully organic, juice our produce in house and have no added nasties. We have a proprietary mix of natural elements that we add to every batch of our kombucha which really harmonizes the flavours and tones of the beverage.

What are some of the benefits of kombucha: Kombucha can detoxify your liver, lowers your blood sugar & aids your gut health. Gut health is immensely important as a healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, improved moods, healthy sleep & effective digestion.

What are your different flavours:

  • African Red (Rooibos, Ginger & Lemon)
  • Blood-Orange Bliss (Orange, Grapefruit & Kalahari Salts)
  • Cheeky Pineapple (Natal Pineapple)
  • Pink-Lady Mint ( Pink Lady Apple with Crushed Mint)
  • Winter Berry ( Winter Berries & Cape Grape)
  • Yellow-Vibes (Turmeric, Ginger & Lemon)

Please tell me more about De Crocky GREEN: De Crocky Green is our initiative to be more sustainable. With this initiative, we buy back our 500ml bottles for R3 per bottle. Simply visit and place a order. On checkout, in the promo field, simply type return12 and it will automatically deduct R36 from your total.

When we deliver to your residence, we simply trade the empty bottles with your new order. This allows our customers to save money on their kombucha supply as well as being more green.

Where can people purchase your products from: We have a few retailers in the Johannesburg are namely The Landing (Dunvegan), Gourmet Grocer (Birdhaven) & Oaklands Farm Supply (Athol).

We mostly focus on direct to customer sales. Orders can be placed on We aim for 24 hour delivery as we know the booch cravings are real.

Which is your personal favourite flavour and why: Cheeky Pineapple. Pineapple is my favourite fruit and I believe it makes a unbelievable kombucha.

Why do you think natural health is so important: A few years ago, I was on high doses of antibiotics and my intestinal flora was so diminished. I remember how weird my body felt and it affected my moods. It is only with a good diet and exercise that I started feeling human again. We must remember that how we feed our bodies plays a essential role in our health. Instead of feeding our bodies pills and hyper sterilized foods, we need to feed it more organic vegetables and fruits, fermented foods, less meat, water, exercise & sunlight.

Quote you live by:

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

mae west

Jason hand-delivered my kombucha yesterday – with all COVID protocols and sanitisation in place – in brown paper bags, and recommends that these are best enjoyed chilled. There was even a hand-written note included in my parcel and some information reminding me of their great recycling/re-using idea.

I completely agree with what Jason says about the choice of drinks when we go out – if you are wanting something non-alcoholic, you can either get water or something full of sugar. Wouldn’t it be amazing if De Crocky kombucha was more readily available at restaurants and shops so we could make healthier choices?

{PS: Use code FLOWERCROWNS to save 15% off your next order!}

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