Building yourself up again

“Straighten your crown, and build your empire.” As a young girl, we are always told “you’re a princess”, or “you’re so beautiful”; & the best part about this is that we truly believe it. We believe that Father Christmas does travel the whole to give presents to good children; we believe a little mouse manages […]
Flower Frame – DIY

“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti Pinterest can be my best friend at times, but at others I just look at the images in complete disbelief & think “I could NEVER do that.” That’s sort of how I felt when I saw the following images (all taken off Pinterest): I was […]
Another type of treatment

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton. Don’t you find that at times you look around your house & you just really need a change? Whether it be new cushions on your couches; changing the photos in your frames; or just rearranging the furniture – all of […]
Another type of treatment
Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton. Don’t you find that at times you look around your house & you just really need a change? Whether it be new cushions on your couches; changing the photos in your frames; or just rearranging the furniture – all of […]
Flower Frame – DIY
“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti Pinterest can be my best friend at times, but at others I just look at the images in complete disbelief & think “I could NEVER do that.” That’s sort of how I felt when I saw the following images (all taken off Pinterest): I was […]
Building yourself up again
“Straighten your crown, and build your empire.” As a young girl, we are always told “you’re a princess”, or “you’re so beautiful”; & the best part about this is that we truly believe it. We believe that Father Christmas does travel the whole to give presents to good children; we believe a little mouse manages […]