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With my whole focus on “going green” & living a life that doesn’t affect the environment as much, I have been putting a lot of research into this.  I am also preferring to support small local businesses & am really being drawn towards those that show their heart for what they are doing.  And that is why I am so thrilled to be writing a little more about this company called Calli & Co.

I have realised over the years that there are many people who have an aversion or allergy to certain cleaning products.  In fact, there are some that we just cannot use in our home as my husband has a very sensitive skin & I often had my symptoms exacerbated by strongly-scented products.  Whilst doing more research for this post, I also discovered that fumes given off by certain products can cause cancer & liver damage; & have even been known to cause dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, loss of appetite, & disorientation.  How flipping scary is that?  Researchers also say the chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. Living in a clean house may be good for your health, but actually cleaning your home to get it to that condition may be bad for you.  This really hit home for me as I had a lung cancer scare last year & had to undergo an open lung biopsy which was extremely painful & the recovery was tough – never mind if it had come back positive for cancer!

All of this added to the fact that we need to be more aware of not only what we are putting into our bodies (i.e. food & drink); onto our bodies (i.e. creams, lotions, washes etc); but also what we are using around us – such as the cleaning products.  Another feature of Calli & Co that I adore is that they come in glass bottles, which means that they can be reused or even recycled.

Your names: Candice Larsson and Gillian Zietsman


Business name: Calli & Co

Social media handles: Facebook & Instagram

Tell me a little more about your business:  We are two friends that make non-toxic, biodegradable and eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe to use for kids as well. Our products come in reusable glass bottles and our stockists have either a bottle buy back system, or you can just simply refill your existing bottle in store.


What made you start this up:  We are really passionate about saving the environment and are anti-plastic, but we were also shocked by how many toxins are in our everyday products. All the eco-friendly, or non-toxic products on the market were either way too expensive, not readily available and we couldn’t find any that weren’t in plastic bottles. So we decided to make our own. We did lots of research on ingredients that were actually non-toxic, not just to use but also when they run down the drain, are treated and eventually enter the sea. And we wanted them to actually work and kill bacteria! 🙂

What is your current special offer on your cleaning range: You can get our whole range, the 500ml Super Cleaner, 500ml Everyday Cleaner and our 100ml Mould Buster for just R200 delivered to your door.


Why do you encourage people to use natural products: There are all kinds of scary research into how chemicals affect our bodies, how people are getting sick and not even realizing you could be potentially poisoning yourself and your children. With high allergy rates increasing all the time it’s so much safer to use natural products. Most cleaning and cosmetic industries aren’t required to disclose their ingredients. There are incredible natural ingredients that not only do the same thing than nasty chemicals, but actually perform better have no side effects!

Do you make these products yourself & how did you decide on the ingredients:  Yes we make them ourselves. One of main ingredients in our Super Cleaner that we use to kill bacteria is oxygen. Not only does it kill all kinds of bacteria but it also benefits the water as it runs down the drain. It makes your stainless steel extra sparkly, kills mould AND it’s at a dilution safe enough for kids to drink (although we don’t recommend it). Our other main ingredient in our Everyday Cleaner is clove oil, also with a safe food-grade acid. Clove oil has incredible anti-oxidant properties, can kill gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and actually helps boost your immune system.

What are the different products that you make: Our Super Cleaner is just that, a super cleaner – safe for your septic tank, disinfecting sponges and cutting boards, drains and baths and showers even small cuts and scratches. Our Everyday Cleaner (with clove oil) is perfect for all your counter tops, for decreasing pots and pans, absorbing odors, and great for kids furniture. We have just launched our Mould Buster that you can actually watch the mould fizz and dissolve before your eyes. Use it on your grouting, in your shower, on walls, on bags or anything else that could be affected by mould.

Quote you live by: Make the Earth Green Again.

I have made use of these products since I received them last week & am so impressed with how well they clean, but also how ‘clean’ the scent is too.  I ensure that I am following them on social media, as they are constantly putting out more tips on how you can use their products, & their most recent one stated the following:  “Do you ever think about how often your scrubbing brushes get cleaned? Leftover food and waste in between bristles breed bacteria BUT our Super Cleaner sorts that all out for you! ✨Spray your brushes and leave them overnight, not only does it kill bacteria but actually prevents more from growing! Yay! Clean brushes for clean plates ”


This is a local business that we all need to get behind.  By making small changes to our lives right now, we are making a big difference to the world!  Calli & Co, you will definitely be seeing more of me…  Thank you for all you are doing, & for wanting to make a change whilst encouraging others to as well.


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