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Recently my friend Casey posted about a gorgeous bag that she had purchased from BeeFab Accessories, and I was immediately struck by how gorgeous they were. I started following them on social media and loved how you could truly personalise them to suit your lifestyle, personality and colour-preference. In fact, you may be tempted to get them in a variety of colours to fit with every outfit or event that you attend.

I reached out to the powerhouse team behind this accessories brand, and knew that you would love this mother-daughter team as much as I do, and I am sure you will be ordering your next personalised bag directly through them!

Get to know BeeFab Accessories

Your name: My name is Bianca Gouveia and I own this business with my mom Thereasa Gouveia.

Business Name: BeeFab Accessories

Social Media Handles: Facebook and Instagram. We are in the process of setting up our website, but all orders currently go through DM or WhatsApp and my mom and I are very responsive, ensuring that each customer gets to create their dream bag that is unique to them.

3 fun facts about you: We are best friends, literally inseparable (my poor boyfriend and my dad). We both have a passion for fashion- but not just any fashion, fashion that is affordable. 

What does your business do:

What inspired you to start your business, and what is the story behind its inception? So, we started this business because often times we would go to the store and see a beautiful bag but hated the strap that it came with and couldn’t change it (and vice Versa). So, we thought why not create a business where people can choose their own bag and their own strap to make a bag that is most unique to them. I also had a passion for beading since I was a young child and so we added the special touch of customers being able to customize their bags with their name, initials or whatever they want as we have a range of charms. This add on is definitely what sets us apart from our competitors as well as the value we have for our amazing customers.

Can you describe the values and principles that your business is built upon? We really value providing every person with the opportunity to embrace fashion, in a way that is affordable and live by the quote “why fit in when you were born to stand out”.

Can you share any memorable customer success stories or moments that have made an impact on your business? Recently we went through a business boom because a customer bought a bag from us and posted it on social media. Because of this we went up by one hundred followers overnight and woke up to multiple orders (more than we’ve ever had in a single day) and were and still are so grateful.

Small Business Boss Babes

What challenges did you face when starting your business, and how did you overcome them? The hardest thing about this business is trying to get exposure but we are working on it.

What are your future goals and aspirations for your business? My hope for this business is that it only excels from here and that each and every customer loves their purchase as much as we love providing them with the service.

How do you handle customer feedback and incorporate it into your business improvements? We are still relatively new business and haven’t received any negative comments but only love so far which we can only be grateful for.

Can you share a few lessons you’ve learned on your entrepreneurial journey that might inspire others looking to start their own small business? I pondered on this business idea for about 2 years but eventually said “you know what let’s do it”- and I have no regrets. It has been amazing so far.

Where can people purchase your products from: You can send us a WhatsApp on 071 558 9937 or visit us at Prison Break Market in Johannesburg.

Which is your personal favourite product: Our personal favourite product and best-selling are our double zip Fanny packs as well as our chevron bags.

Anything else you want to add: The photo at the top is myself and my mom and grandmother. My grandmother passed away in July and my mom and I dedicate our business to her. We know she’s watching over us and loved fashion just as much as we do. 

My Final Thoughts

This accessories business is one that we all need to get behind! You should see the variety of bags, straps and charms; and making your decision is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Choose a bag.
  2. Choose a strap.
  3. Customise.

I can’t wait to see the gorgeous bags you order from this small business, and how you personalise these just for you!

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