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Aromatherapy, or essential oil therapy, refers to a range of traditional, alternative or complementary therapies that use essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds.

I am always looking for natural products to use on my skin, & when my nails began peeling from the chemotherapy I was on the hunt for a cuticle oil that would moisturise my nails & surrounding skin, & help protect my poor nails from any further damage.

So when I began my deep, dark dive into the interweb for a locally produced product, I was immediately pointed in the direction of African Secret.  I reached out, & told her my concerns, as well as what I was looking for.  I let her know how super sensitive my skin has become, as well as my medical conditions.  She asked if I would give her some time to research my condition & see if there are any essential oils that are recommended for my concern, or even contra-indicated.


Immediately I was impressed as she wasn’t just trying to hard sell me her staple products, but was really listening to my concerns & wanted to help me feel better & not suffer in pain any more!  And when the goodies arrived, I was so excited to try them out.  No reactions, & as soon as I opened the box that they arrived I could smell all the gorgeous oils.  So now, let’s find out a little more about this beautiful business…

Your name: Stacey Jane Smith

Business name: African Secret

African Secret logo plain

Social media handles:  Facebook & Instagram

Tell me a bit more about what you do: I am the founder of African Secret. Our products help relieve common ailments and contact dermatitis using natural ingredients. We make a range of aromatherapy blends and our washes are suitable for use from head to toe, are biodegradable and hypo-allergenic.


Why did you decide to start this business: My interest in personal care products began when I was an agent selling products for a popular skincare company – their products were good, but they contained parfum & artificial colour. After the birth of my son, something sparked and it was my mission to research and develop products which incorporated natural ingredients, without adding fragrance and colour (the main cause of contact dermatitis and skin irritation) as sensitive skin and contact dermatitis is increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate.

Have you always had an interest in aromatherapy: My interest in aromatherapy started a few years ago – when I turned to essential oils instead of pharmaceuticals for relief.

What is your most popular product: Our Tea Tree Cream is the go-to product when anyone in your family has an insect bite, rash, flare-up, sunburn, itch, burn, scrape or graze from outdoor activities/sport.


Do you do special blends for specific needs: We are constantly researching and developing new blends, so we encourage our clients to let us know what they would like solutions to.

Where can people order products from: Email or WhatsApp 0824771227 – request our pricelist and place your order.
View our products on our Facebook Shop and inbox us or email your order.

What is the importance of using natural skincare: Natural products do not contain artificial irritants or drugs that could do more harm in the long run.


Why do you encourage people to support local: When people purchase locally-made products instead of commercial products (majority mass-produced outside of SA) they enable us to provide quality products made-with-love, and, they help us do what we love – which is helping and satisfying our customers.

Quote you live by:  “Live with intention and purpose. Respect: yourself and others.” – SJS

I absolutely adore all my products from Stacey-Jane, & will definitely be ordering more.  The cuticle oil is in my handbag to apply whenever I remember; the body wash has been hidden from husband so he doesn’t finish it all (he loves it & goes through it at a rapid rate!); & the tea tree cream was an absolute lifesaver when the mozzies were out in full force.

Please always be careful when using essential oils – it is not a good idea to simply buy these off the shelf, especially if you have pre-existing conditions such as epilepsy or sensitive skin, or are pregnant.  But SJ knows her stuff & you will be completely safe in her hands.  She has a sports massage oil which I definitely have my eye on – I have been attempting to gym & my poor muscles are crying in pain!  What are you super keen to try?

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