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Since getting out of hospital & actually being able to swallow my food (one of the fabulous symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis is constantly choking on food, & there would often be days where I would go without being able to eat properly) means that I have picked up quite a bit of extra weight.  In fact when I went into hospital to have my port & perm cath out, every nurse who saw me & knows me from previously commented on my weight.  It was rather embarrassing & has made me very self-conscious about what I look like.  I love my food & it has been 15 years since I was properly able to actually enjoy a meal so I have been making up for lost time in a big (excuse the pun!) way.

But, it has been a couple of months of going cray-cray & now I need to settle down & start living a healthier life.  So the very first thing I am going to do is start following a healthier eating plan.  I am not going to diet as such, as I dread those words & find it is so much easier to break a diet than it is to maintain a healthy way of life.

Whilst on my explorations of what recipes speak to me, & what I should go get to stock up my grocery cupboard (whilst trying very hard to avoid all the Easter eggs & others sugary treats).  And then, I found Le Famished Cat – & I was lost for a good couple of hours.  My tastebuds were tingling & I knew that I wanted to try some of these for myself.  Plus, you guys, she is in South Africa so doesn’t tell you about all these crazy ingredients that are nearly impossible to get hold of!

Your name: Cat Barker

Blog name: Le Famished Cat

Social media handles: Facebook, Instagram & Website

How did you get into this: A pure love for all things food

What is the main focus of your blog:  As the name suggests, I am always hungry and thinking about food. I started the blog to have a space on the internet where I could write and share my recipes and love for all things delicious.

If you have any digestive issues, or are looking to lead a healthier life, then my blog is for you, because almost all of my recipes are either Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan or IBS Friendly.


While I am not a vegan (cannot ever give up eggs), I focus on a healthier plant-forward approach to eating, as well as nourishing gut friendly recipes. Occasionally, you will find some naughty treats – because seriously guys, what is life without chocolate?

Healthy living should not feel like a chore, it should be fun and delicious and I hope to inspire you every day.

I also focus on travel here and there and love to provide my readers with as many practical tips as I can.

Have you always been interested in food:  Yes, since I was a little girl – I think my interest was piqued after watching countless Ready Steady Cook episodes on BCC. I would then go into the kitchen and see what I could rustle up with the ingredients on hand. It was only in Grade 11 when I started taking cooking classes at school that I realised I was in love with being in the kitchen. Thinking back, my first real food memory was watching my Sito (granny in Lebanese) make all sorts of Lebanese foods on the weekends – I would often help, but mostly I just wanted to eat what she was making because it always smelled so good.

Where do you get majority of your recipes from:  Because of the fact that I only eat certain foods – I create all my own recipes and if they are someone else’s I will credit accordingly

What is the one recipe that you love the most & that everyone should try:  My Gluten Free Malva Pudding 

What are a few ingredients that every household should have:  Cherry Tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, A Mature Cheddar, Peanut Butter, Blueberries, Banana, Sweet Potatoes, Eggs, Fresh Herbs and Avocado.  Oooh also coconut milk & almond milk.

What is your favourite shop to visit to get yummy snacks:  Checkers have a new range called Simple Truth which is affordable, innovative and healthy. They make fruit gummies and reduced sugar cookies that I love. And their Salted Caramel Coconut Chips are like crack

Fresh Earth also have some yummy healthy baked goods

Quote you live by:  Treat others how you would want to be treated & Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Don’t these look absolutely divine?  And the recipes are really easy to follow as well – even for nerds like myself who can literally only cook the absolute basics.  Hopefully one day I can even show you pics of my amazing meals that I have learnt from Cat.

I really appreciate her taking the time to answer my questions & constantly bringing us delicious, healthy recipes.  I am a huge fan!


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