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Our friend that currently lives with us is a vegan and I have always been interested to see what she comes up with for her meals.  She has even allowed me to sample some of these (yum!) & I think is secretly converting my dogs into vegans too as they sample everything on her plate & “help” her finish these all off…

We have spoken at length about why she has chosen to go vegan (her love for animals) & how this was a gentle progression from being vegetarian to a full-blown vegan.  She isn’t one of those that will force it into anyone’s face, or make you follow her beliefs – which I truly appreciate.  However, it occurred to me that she is saving the planet through her choices & she is doing the very best that she can.  What am I doing to make the world a better place for future generations?

I then met Herman at The Field Market earlier this month & was very intrigued by his business, as well as his ideas in general.  He was so kind & welcoming, & answered my questions without hesitation.


Your Name:  Herman

Business name: Theparttimevegan

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Social media handles:  FacebookTwitter; Website

How did you get started & why did you want to start doing what you do:  I had an issue with finding great veggie patties. Two years down the line I’ve perfected my recipe. So many trials and errors but slow I brought everything together. From processing the veggies to blending my own spice blend.

How long have you been a vegan for:  I’ve been vegan just under a year. I’ve been vegetarian for 5 years before.

Why have you chosen to become vegan:  There a several reason why I became vegan. My first and foremost reason was health and the benefits of eating only a plant based diet. Environmentally and humanitarian reasons are also weighing heavily on my mind

Why are your burger patties different to others & so delicious:  My patties are handmade, 100% veggies with no soy, beans or fillers. I take care that each patty is perfect and do quality control of each batch.


Where can people order your patties from, & how much are they:  My patties are available at Yan health health store in Bedford centre and online on our website.  My patties are R10 per patty with a minimum order of 6.

What markets do you attend & where can people sample your patties:  I’m at the Hippie Vegan Connection Market and will be at Vegan Food Fair SA in April.

What motto do you live by:  My motto is “do whatever you want as long as you don’t harm anyone or anything ”

Anything else you would like to add:  I would like to ask people to buy local, an imported product does not mean it’s better- but it definitely has a carbon footprint bigger than you might think.


I had a vegan burger myself tonight, & absolutely adored it!  It was crunchy on the outside & super flavourful.  Plus my body was much happier being fed with a healthier option & I will be buying more of these for the future.  Plus they arrive frozen so they are easy to store for any emergencies or when husband suddenly decides he is hungry (believe me, this happens often).

I am very excited for the Vegan Hippy Market & to try more of these delicious meals.  Will I see you there?


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