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Magic is all around us – you just have to believe!

A symptom of Myasthenia Gravis is struggling to swallow, & this is the one that I battle with most of all.  There have been times that I have gone days without being able to eat anything, & when I am really battling I can’t even swallow my own saliva.  This means that I am often not getting the correct nutrition that my body needs.  Plus I should be trying to get in extra as a lot of my medication depletes the natural goodness in my body!

I have tried so many protein shakes, multivitamins & so on, but have never found anything that have made a big difference or that taste really delicious.  It is difficult enough to swallow, but when something tastes bad it makes it almost impossible!


Whilst looking for more ideas of a product that I haven’t tried, I came across a company called Wazoogles – and they have a unicorn as their logo.  I mean, it was just the universe telling me that this product was something that I had to try!  I contacted their “Unicorn Ops Manager” – Jason, & he replied with a whole lot of information about this fantastic product as well as sending me samples of their superfood protein blends.

Wazoogles Superfood is a handcrafted, organic superfood, & pea protein blend, made of ethically harvested ingredients sourced from some of the most exotic places & nutritionally dense plants known to mankind.  But the best thing is that they are produced locally – in Cape Town!


They have 5 flavours:
CHOCOLATE MOONDUST “Ancient Mayan Cacao”
VANILLA SKY – “Pure Madagascan Vanilla Bean”
UNICORN BERRY “Egyptian Red Hibiscus Flower & Camu Camu Berry”
PLANT POWER – “Baobab Fruit, Moringa Leaf and Spirulina”
KUNGFU COFFEE “With a cinnamon kick!”

The names themselves seem to conjur up all sorts of magical images!  Each pack also has recipes on the back for a smoothie; a breakfast smoothie bowl & a post-workout recovery shake.  Obviously you can create your own, but you can also get some inspiration from their Instagram account & other users.

Wazoogles Superfood Protein Shake is a 100% organic delicious blend of some of the most vibrant & nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Every scoop is bursting with antioxidants, living enzymes, essential minerals, plant-based protein, and a wide spectrum of vital nutrients, yet is completely free of added sugars, chemicals, colourants, flavourants, or fillers. Ideal as a delicious nutrient dense smoothie or breakfast
smoothie bowl. Perfect for elevating your daily nutrition intake or to use as high performance athletic fuel.
Each serving has been carefully formulated to nourish your body at a cellular level and support overall health through helping to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce cravings, and provide sustained energy.

Both husband & I have been trying these protein blends out in different ways, & we both agreed that these are the most filling protein blends we have ever had – in fact the above breakfast smoothie bowl kept me full right up until supper.  I can’t decide which one I like the most, but I know that these will definitely be a staple in my home going forward.

My body has been so grateful to me since I have started with these, & I can definitely feel that I have more energy & no longer feel so lethargic.  Their social media is so inspiring, & is constantly encouraging me to make healthier choices as well as to feed my body the goodness that it needs rather than rubbish.  Their FB page is one you should definitely follow!

Thank you Wazoogles for truly making a difference in my life.  I am never going to look back.  You can order their products online, or even get them from some health shops.  Make sure this is on your grocery list!


Here are some of their ingredients (& benefits!):

Chia Seeds “The gold of the ancient Aztecs”
The richest plant source of omegas-3’s on this planet, also rich in calcium, fiber, and protein.
Maca Root “The Incan warrior power food”
A highly intelligent adaptogenic food boosting immune, hormone & energy systems.
Heirloom Cacao “The Mayan food of the Gods”
The highest concentration of antioxidants and magnesium of any plant known to man.
Hemp Protein “The plant of life”
The most complete, edible, usable and digestible protein in the entire plant kingdom.
Mesquite “The Native American white carob”
An extremely protein and nutrient rich, slow release food, that effectively balances blood sugar.
Lucuma Fruit “The creamy Peruvian superfruit”
Abundant in beta-carotene, niacin, and iron with significant amounts of calcium and vitamin B3.
Hibiscus Flower “The ancient Egyptian tonic flower”
Rich in vitamin C & antioxidants, this food assists in maintaining cholesterol & blood pressure control.
Camu Camu Berry “The Amazonian rain forest superberry”
The highest concentration of vitamin C of any plant known to man, incredible immune system
MORINGA LEAF “The miracle tree of life”
12 times the vitamin C of oranges, 17 times the calcium of milk and 25 times the iron of spinach.
SPIRULINA “The alkaline sun energy superfood”
The highest protein content of any food on the planet, extremely alkalising and rich in antioxidants .
BAOBAB FRUIT “The ancient African superfruit”
A prebiotic food for gut health, higher vit C than oranges, calcium than milk & antioxidants than goji berries.
Their Synergistic Vegan Protein Blend
A perfect combination of chia, hemp and water extracted French grown yellow pea protein, covering all amino acids in the spectrum [all essential and non-essential]. These are some of the most easily absorbable and digestible proteins on the planet.

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