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Recently my husband & I began a healthy eating & lifestyle plan, & when I realised just how expensive this was going to be, I literally shuddered.  I am having to go to the shops every second or third day to buy fresh fruit & veggies, & these often go vrot before we get a chance to finish them all.  I knew there had to be an easier way of doing this.  I feel like the big supermarkets often mark up their fresh produce excessively, & these often seem to be at the end of their shelf life too – which means they have a very short life span.

And then, I heard about this amazing company called Veg Out through one of my Facebook groups.  Casey will fill a crate with fresh fruit & veggies, & deliver this right to your door!  I immediately contacted her, & placed an order with her for the 2 of us.  She makes her deliveries every Monday for the week, & I waited in anticipation for our crate of happiness.

I was not disappointed.  It was jam-packed with fruit & veggies that we enjoy, as well as a beautiful bunch of flowers to brighten my home.  I had also ordered some of her homemade bread which went down an absolute treat!  Casey asks if there is anything that you don’t eat/enjoy (no brussel sprouts for me thanks!) & thus you are guaranteed to be able to whip up a healthy, tasty meal with everything she provides.  This beautiful lady deserves all the support possible & I can’t wait for you to learn more about her & her business.


Your name: Casey Kotzenmacher

Business name: Veg Out

Social media handles: InstagramBlog & Facebook

How can people get hold of you: or on 0826813436

Tell me a bit more about what you do: I started this fruit and veg delivery service to supply great quality produce at prices far below the grocery store price point. I’m passionate about experiencing new foods. trying new recipes and living outside the classic meat & potato meal. Produce gets delivered in crates and is plastic free; with berries and such rather in brown paper bags. I want to be locally responsible, sustainably sourced and reduce my customers overall footprint by minimising their travel and plastic consumption.


Where did the passion for healthy eating come from: having kids; wanting to live longer to know them longer; and give them that better start and relationship with food.

Where do you deliver these crates to: JHB North area; within 5km of Lonehill is free and R25 per 5 km further afield. So R75 for 20km from my house etc.

What are the additional things you do: Peanut butter in glass jars made by a good friend, homemade rusks by my friends mom, homemade bread and natural health bars, so far.

What is the cost of your crates of goodies: 1-2 people is R225 for 7 veg and 4 fruit (x enough for 2 people) and 3-4 is R350. Coming soon I have braai, brunch, juicing and introducing-baby-to-solids boxes.


What is your personal favourite fruit & veg: I love spinach; I have since I used to eat it out the garden as a kid. And strawberries for the win.

Please share your favourite healthy recipe with us: Definitely this one but I add in patty pans and marrows for maximum veg goodness. Even my kids polish it off.

Quote you live by: “Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted” – Christine Caine


Isn’t this a divine business?  And such a brilliant idea?

I am all for less strain on our environment, & sourcing local fruit & veggies – & Casey is really helping to make a big difference with this.  She is a beautiful soul, with the kindest heart & I cannot WAIT to see her business go to the next level with your support.


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