Fanoos Co Scented Products

It’s a new year, and I am getting back on top of sharing some of my favourite local finds. From restaurants to local brands, to decor and so much more. And my first blog of the year is for a new brand, Fanoos Co, that I discovered that makes absolutely WONDERFUL scented candles and other […]

Dungbeetle Crafts

A friend of mine is so creative, and I have always loved seeing her crafts that she highlights across her social media – from paintings, to art, to her gorgeous African bauble range that she recently began. I went to her house for lunch and girl time, and finally got to see these in person […]

Super Sauced

Are you a person that smothers your food in delicious sauce, or do you prefer it bland? I have always been a fan of yummy sauces to suit my mood and the type of meal that I am eating. So when I was sent some delicious hot sauces by Vera from Super Sauced, I immediately […]


After my blog on Jislaaik Online Store, I decided to delve a bit deeper into some of their products that they feature as I was super interested in what they have on offer, as well as the different art & talent that was being shown off.  The one page that really stood out to me […]