
“That’s the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It’s the most powerful magic in the world, the only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs.” ― Rumplestiltskin Growing up I LOVED fairytales!  In fact, I still love them…  I think the idea of “happily […]

Christine Bernard

Family…  Forever.  For Always.  No Matter What. When its your birthday, you start getting all these requests of “what would you like?”, “what do you want for your birthday?” etc etc.  I had no cooking clue what I really wanted, so began to search for something that would be special & that I would keep […]

Nib and Bristle

Put on your crown; let us conquer the world.” For my birthday, I decided I wanted something a little bit special as my “guest book”, & not something that would simply be put away at the bottom of the drawer & forgotten about.  I started googling ideas for this along with ideas for decor, & […]