Soft Palette Caricatures

I recently put out a call on social media for local businesses to feature on my blog, and Amani was one of the very first people to reach out to me. There was something really special about this caricature artist, and I couldn’t wait to share her talent with all of you! So without further […]

Counting On Africa book

I was so thrilled when I saw a friend of mine had written a book. Brenda has always had a deep love for African Wildlife, and I have seen her many posts raising funds and awareness for these beautiful animals, but specifically for rhinos. Having been a teacher, Brenda has a deep love for children […]

Natural Selection Decor

Have you ever spotted something so gorgeous on social media, that you immediately have to pop over to the page showcasing the item and discover more about the business? Well, that’s how I felt the first time I saw Natural Selection Decor and their gorgeous items. You know that I love anything with colour and […]

Dungbeetle Crafts

A friend of mine is so creative, and I have always loved seeing her crafts that she highlights across her social media – from paintings, to art, to her gorgeous African bauble range that she recently began. I went to her house for lunch and girl time, and finally got to see these in person […]

Tits by Goose

I bet you never thought you would be reading a blog about tits right? Or be inspired about Lucy’s reason behind this business? I met Lucy (or Goose as her friends call her) at The Linden Market and having stalked her social media pages for a while I was really excited to meet her in […]

Sunkissed Handmade

As you can tell my the title of my blog, I ADORE flowercrowns!  I have a few from chain stores, but my favourite are definitely handmade, one-of-a-kind pieces of art that I will treasure forever. Recently I got in touch with Samantha from Sunkissed Handmade as she is SUPER talented, & her social media pics […]


After my blog on Jislaaik Online Store, I decided to delve a bit deeper into some of their products that they feature as I was super interested in what they have on offer, as well as the different art & talent that was being shown off.  The one page that really stood out to me […]

GypsyBird Makeup

As a typical girlie-girl I LOVE wearing make-up & being made to feel pretty.  I don’t wear make-up every day (I often just work from home), but when I go out I like to put in some extra effort.  And looking at social media influencers who are super talented & inspiring makes me want to […]

IT’S OKAY to not always be okay

Have you ever met someone & just clicked with them from the word go?  They just get you, your craziness, & love you through/despite your ups & downs.  To me, this person is Charlie – from Charlie Foxtrot Illustrations & Charlie and Beastie.  She has the most AMAZING talent, & she found space in her heart […]

Tattoos by Tory

As part of Women’s Month, I knew I wanted to do a focus on women who have achieved a lot in an industry that is predominantly run by men.  Instagram has been a great tool to search & look for inspiration of ideas of women who are pushing boundaries, achieving what was previously unachievable, & […]