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Today I knew I wanted to write about something special – something that has my heart.


The #RareBearProject is all about supporting our community. From providing support to our Rare families, to creating jobs and income generating opportunities to the woman of Kya Sands. 100% of our income goes straight back into this project.

​For every bear sold for R180, R120 is paid to the creator of the bear, and R60 is placed into improving the marketing platform and distribution of the overall project to ensure sustainability.

The #RareBearProject is a community upliftment program under Rare Diseases South Africa NPC.

Rare Diseases South Africa NPC is a registered NPO and PBO which aims to assist rare disease patients receive access to life-saving treatment and supportive care for improved quality of life.


The #RareBearProject was launched as part of Rare Diseases South Africa’s 2nd birthday.  Rare Diseases SA (RDSA) had made the decision to commission bears for their newly registered rare disease patients, which could be gifted to them so that they could have a companion to encourage them in their journey of survival. 

BUT, due to the nature of rare diseases, RDSA was looking for unique, handcrafted bears – they wanted BEARS that were RARE.

At the same time a local community project were looking to host a skills clinic for unemployed ladies in the Kya Sands community.

A joint initiative was born,  whereby the ladies were taught the skills to crotchet #RareBears, and a platform to generate income was provided.

This project is now able to address 2 needs: 

1) It creates a “community of love” for Rare Diseases SA patients whereby #RareBears are donated to a rare disease patient via the #Care4Rare programme.

 2) Empowers the ladies of KyaSands and provides them with a skill that enables them to provide for their families.

To date, this project has seen over 70 woman up-skilled in the art of crocheting, and provided them with a sustainable, income generating opportunity by making #RareBears which in turn are either donated to a patient, or sold to the public. 

I have seen these ladies grow from having zero confidence in their abilities, to now being able to crochet almost anything – as long as they have a picture of it.

There are 7 animals in the range – lion, zebra, giraffe, bunny, sheep, elephant & unicorns – but they also do special orders should you so wish.

Please support this beautiful project by visiting their website, & following them on social media (Instagram & Facebook).

I am also running a GIVEAWAY over on my Instagram, so pop over now to win one of their limited edition teddies!  They are so adorable…


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