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I spotted these gorgeous shoes on a friend’s timeline and immediately popped her a message to find out where she had got them from – I had to own some for myself!  Rose gold is my number one choice in every situation and these just looked so comfy and beautiful.  Could I really ask for more?


I began doing my research into this brand, and I absolutely love how family-orientated they are, as well as the fact that you can see their love and passion for what they are doing.  There is thought put into every product.  I sent Jacqui a message to see if we could chat a little about their brand, and I’m sure that you will fall in love with them as much as I have.  Plus they are going to be having a sale soon so make sure you don’t miss out!

Your name: Jacqui Schnetler

Business name: Mish-Mash Family Brand

Social media handles: Facebook, Instagram and Website

Tell me a bit more about your business: The brand was created just after my first born son, Mishka. We had such a hard time finding shoes that were comfortable and stylish (at that time we were dong soft soles only) basically, as his feet grew, so did the brand. We added the kids vellies and later on the adult ranges. I am very much obsessed with my family, and always wanted to create a brand that was a bit more than just a money machine. The brand is extremely passionate about slow fashion, hence the lead time on all orders, we manufacture to order to avoid unnecessary dead stock and sneaky sales to get rid of them. We stand for adventure (though that seems to be a fashion thing these days) and we like to keep things real as far as possible. That is the nutshell 😉



What made you decide to start this business: I had a normal 8-5 job at the time Mishka was born and I had to go back to word after my maternity leave. I hated it! I hated that someone else was raising my baby boy…so I took a leap of faith and quit my job. I was looking for something to do from home and then I saw the cutest leather shoes online…the rest, as they say, is history.

What makes your brand different to others: Thats a difficult one, there are so many great brands out there today…I think out passion for slow fashion and family. There are not a lot of family brands out there.

“We are all in it together.”

My husband is my business partner and best friend, Our boys, Mishka and Maverik (our youngest boy), are the inspiration, models and all round heart of Mish-Mash

What have been your most popular products: The Mikado Kids vellies and the Rose Gold adult vellies.


What is your (& your family’s) personal favourite: My kids don’t like shoes (ironic right hahaha) if they had to choose, Mav likes most of the soft soles, Mish loved his oxblood coloured vellies. I love the black vellies and our summer sandals (I’m more of a plakkie person 😉 My husband loves them all!

Why is Mish-Mash so special: I think the sentiment of Family that we connect to the brand, it makes the brand very sentimental.


What do you want people to feel when they are wearing your products: I want them to feel a part of something, like they are a part of the Mish-Mash Family

Where can people purchase your products from: We are making some enormous in-house changes, for now, the best way would be to email as the online store is under construction at the moment. There are also a few stockists around SA, that stock our shoes.


Why do you encourage people to support local: Because it is so very important! To me it is the most obvious thing. Is is so sad that it took a pandemic for people to wake up on this issue. If everyone in SA would support local only, our economy would BOOM. We have everything we need here, skills, product and a ton of heart. We have such diverse cultures and entrepreneurs, why look elsewhere?

How has lockdown affected your business: Very much! People are taking huge financial knocks, If they are struggling, we struggle it is as simple as that.

Quote you live by: I have soooo many, I am a bit of a closet philosopher 🙂 I think in the time we find ourselves now it would have to be “These shadows can not hold you”


Aren’t these gorgeous?  And don’t Jacqui’s words make you want to jump over to their social media straight away and place your order?  There is nothing I love more than a family-run businesses and seeing heart and soul being poured into each of their products.  These are so much more than “just” shoes.  They are a little piece of happiness for your feet.

Do you have a favourite from Mish-Mash?  Those rose gold beauties are calling my name…


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