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In case you don’t already know, my animals are like my children & are treated accordingly.  From sleeping in our bed, to eating the best food we can get them, to us not going away as we don’t like leaving them alone…  I would do anything for my fur-kids & can’t imagine my life without them in it.

They have been my biggest supporters throughout my health drama, & can always lift me out of a slump when I feel completely bogged down.  This means I am always on the hunt for another treat for them, & when I discovered Mimi & Munch I was super excited.

Besides the most divine treats, they also make doggy birthday cakes & all sorts!  This is a business that deserves our support, & I am sure that you will agree once you have learnt a little more about this amazing project.

Your name: Jade Factor

Business name: Mimi & Munch

Social media handles: Instagram and Facebook

23cm Cake

Tell me a little more about your business:  Mimi & Munch is an all-natural, premium dog treat business which is also inclusive of a dog ‘pawtisserie’. The all-natural dog treats are handmade in small batches using only the best quality ingredients thoroughly researched for their dog health properties. All of the treats are wheat-free, additive-free, sugar-free and salt-free and infused with so much love. The barkery side of the business aims at celebrating man’s best friend. Pets are part of the family so why not spoil them like you would your own child. On the bakery side our clientele is more diverse and we have families ordering cakes, pupcakes, pawty platters and personalised treats (doggie donuts, pooch pretzels, pupcorn, pawty packs) for their dog’s birthdays, adoption dates or as a gift for a friend’s dog.

Two Tier Unicorn Cake

Where did this idea come from:  Mimi and Munch was born out of pure love for man’s best friend. My beautiful family dogs; Mia, Bambi and Munchie are the love of our lives and watching them grow up, we began to notice their reactions to certain pet foods. Mia has always had very itchy skin, Bambi continuously licks her paws and Munchie struggles with his weight. After much research, I came to find that certain preservatives, additives, wheat flours and meat by product ingredients in dog treats cause sensitivity and allergies. Struggling to find a suitable treat, the opportunity arose to research the best human-grade food sources that are the most nourishing for dogs in their purest forms. I began baking with ingredients that provide beneficial factors such as shiny coats, fresher breath, and healthy eyes, tummies and joints. Only premium brown rice flour and rolled oats are used, so that all the treats are wheat-free. The best part was that our dogs loved them and responded well to them and when giving to friends and families as gifts to their dogs, they loved them too! This is when Mimi and Munch was born!

Number Cake

Have you always had such a love for animals:  Absolutely my heart is filled with dogs! I wish that I could rescue every dog in the world. Animals give such unconditional love and they make the world a better place. I believe they were put on earth to teach humans the true meaning of unconditional love.

What makes your treats so special:  Each and every treat is pressed out by hand, made with so much love and the ingredients are selected for their absolute freshness and uniqueness in terms of dog health properties. Having unique flavours with functional benefits like a Carrot Cupcake for example which contains coconut oil (powerful benefits for dog joint health) puts Mimi & Munch in a unique and functional space when it comes to the market.

Personalised Pupcakes

What have been your most popular flavours:  Liver Lover is definitely a favourite (absolutely yummy)! The bedtime treats are soothing with chamomile and red apple whilst the carrot cupcake gets the doggies bright-eyed and ready to take on the day! We have also recently launched Bambi’s Butter which is all-natural peanut butter for dogs made with 100% roasted peanuts and coconut oil for nourishment- no xylitol, no sugar and no salt. I also customise treats if doggies have a specific allergy (like grain for example) and can bake specialised treats accordingly so that no dog gets left out!

Bambis Butter Jar

Where can people order from:  Currently, all orders are taken via social media whereby dog moms and dads can send their email address to me and I will send them the treat and menu and information. We are looking to launch a website in the new year! 🙂

Mimi & Munch Treat Menu (11) (click this to see their current menu!)

23cm Giant Treat

Do you do custom treats/cakes for dogs parties etc:  Absolutely! I believe that pets are family and should be celebrated just as we celebrate our human family. On the dog pawtisserie side we have created luxury homemade, hand-decorated and personalised cakes, pupcakes, pawty platters (inclusive of doggie donuts, pooch pretzels, pupcorn, puparoons. pawty packs) for birthdays, adoption dates and gifts for dog friends. All of the bakery goodies follow the same health principles as the dog treats.

Heart Shape Cake

Quote you live by:  “It’s the small things in life that mean the most.” “Everyone smiles in the same language”

Anything else you want to add:  Giving back is at the heart of what we do and every bag contains heart-shaped treats to remind the dog mom and dad that they are giving their dog the best- a treat that will not only nourish them but a treat that will also give back to other dogs in need. Paw it forward: An animal shelter is chosen each month and a percentage of proceeds from every bag purchased is donated to the shelter of the month. Vegetables and fruits used in the treats are sourced from local farmers to support and sustain local businesses. Treats are all-natural, wheat-free and made with quality ingredients. Handmade. Infused with Love. This is my promise to you!

Bambis Butter

You guys, honestly, how amazing does Jade sound?  I feel like I have a new BFF & can’t WAIT to spoil my hounds with some treats soon – I think I should order a cake for them just because…  And those sleepy time biscuits are top of my shopping list!

If you love your dogs as much as I do, then this is a business you will WANT to support.  Please let me know what flavours you buy & how much your dogs love them.  And spread the word amongst your friends.  Let’s show our fur-kids just how much they mean to us.


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