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Scrolling through Facebook one day I cam across a page called Lulupie.  They do paperless patterns which means that they print the actual pattern on the fabric so all you have to do is cut out the design & sew it together.  Plus they can even make your own fabric with a design of your choice, so pretty much you can get exactly what you want, & it can be a one-of-a-kind clothing.


I contacted the page & gave them an idea that I have for Rare Diseases SA, & was absolutely blown away by her love as well as her excitement for this project.  I think you can tell a lot by how a person comes across in their messages, & by their wanting to help a charity, so although I have never actually met Lurinda I feel like I have made a friend for life.  We have been chatting almost on a daily basis & I knew that she was someone that I wanted to find out more about & feature on my blog.


Your names: Paul Prinsloo (Graphic Designer and artist); Lurinda Prinsloo (Occupational Therapist by day, admin and personal liaison for Lulupie at night)32470997_10155134215442134_2400886520895504384_n

Name of your business:  Lulupie

How did you come up with the name:  We tried to find an interesting combination of our names and the name of our daughter, Lucia.  So, Lu(rinda)Lu(cia)P(aul)ie was born!

What do you do?  We specialise in hand drawn custom designs for print on a number of different bases.  We are mainly focused on fabric printing at the moment, but we are looking at expanding to other mediums in the near future!  Watch this space…

How did you come up with this concept?  I (Lurinda) taught myself to sew while pregnant with our daughter, and I came across the world of custom printed fabric.  I was amazed!  Paul then came up with the brilliant idea of combining our individual loves of sewing and design into a business venture – and here we are!

What did you do before this?  Paul was (and still is) a work-at-home dad!  He mostly did freelance design work before we started with Lulupie.  Lurinda works full time as an Occupational Therapist at the Cerebral Palsy Association (Eastern Cape).

How can people order from you, & what are your prices (roughly)?  People can contact us via our Facebook page, or email us at  Our design fees range from R120 to R400, depending on the design and if you want it for exclusive use or not.  Printing costs then depend on what you want your design printed on, and is added onto the design fee.

Anything else that you would like to add?  We recently launched a new product that we are very excited about – Paperless Patterns!  We teamed up with a digital pattern designer from SA, and we are working with her to print her patterns directly onto fabric, in the design and size that the client wants.  So you just cut and sew!  We currently have the Ladies Leggings pattern available in this format. final layout-mermaid1.indd

This concept literally makes me so happy, & I will post an update once I get my custom-designed tights!  Thank you Lulupie for all your love & creativity.  You are absolutely amazing.


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