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A friend recently shared a post on Facebook, & this was about the beautiful Lisa Ternent & her amazing art.  In case you don’t know, I collect various family portraits from different artists & I was immediately drawn to Lisa’s talent & unique images!

I popped her a mail asking if I could write a blog about her (& her Christmas Special that she is running).  I am going to be placing my order with her soon – will you be doing the same?


Lisa has said that she will be extending this special for the next 2 orders she receives from my readers – simply let her know that you heard about her from Flowercrowns & Treatment.  Hurry hurry!

Your name: Lisa Ternent

Business name: Lisa Ternent Art

Social media handles: Facebook & Instagram

Tell me a bit more about what you do:  I have always been asked by friends and family to do various artworks for them. I have used many different mediums of art over the years and explored different styles, taking a special interest in realistic oil paintings at one point. However, one of the things people have always asked me to draw for them are these little doodles of children and people. They are so simple, yet seem to capture something that people enjoy.


Have you always been artistic:  I have loved art from preschool age – spending many hours in the creative room during free play. I started extra art lessons from Grade 1 and used to enter art in the Royal Show exhibitions during primary school. My childhood dream was to be an artist in Paris (with a 100 cats ). Art has always been a part of my life, even though it has been more or less prominent and has taken different forms at different stages of life.

What makes your art so different to everyone else:  My art is inspired and influenced very strongly by the nature of children. I have always been inspired by the simplicity and purity of children – how their personalities are so undiluted and clear to identify at a young age and how they live life so free and unhindered. I like to think that we all have an inner child we can return to – one that is free of the clutter that life puts on us – and that carries the true essence of who we are.
At school I started painting oil paintings of children where their freedom and life was captured in expression and movement. I also began with my doodles of children running, singing and playing. Even though not all my artwork is of children I feel that simplicity, freedom and purity are captured in most of the art I do. I hope that my drawings will give people that same sense of simplicity, freedom and purity in life.


I see you have a Christmas Special – please tell me about this:
A friend suggested I start this special as an opportunity for people to have personalized Christmas family portraits drawn. The package includes one framed original of the drawing, 2 A4 prints and 16 other cards or tags which could be used for friends and family over Christmas time. The idea is that people can keep the original for themselves and give prints to grandparents or family members etc. Some people have opted rather to have a plain family drawing to make it more lasting, but the original option was to have the family drawn with Christmas details such as Christmas hats or presents.

Why do you encourage people to support local:  To be honest this has never been something I have actively encouraged others to do. But it does make complete sense. I think we have so much talent around us and we should help to unlock that talent right where we are, as well as to stimulate our local economy.

How can people order from you:
Drop me a mail at or message me at 0725998409

Quote you live by:
“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15
I believe in quietness and being still. And I find that a lot of good comes out of that place.


Aren’t these absolutely adorable?

I think they would make something so special for Christmas, & the family portrait is so unique – Lisa manages to capture expression & personality through the simplicity of her pictures.

Contact her today to request your own family pic!

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