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I first came across Flamingo Moon through Pink Cosmetics, & I immediately fell in love! I placed my order for some of their products & when they arrived I spent hours playing with all the beautiful goodies & designing some gorgeous Instagram flatlays.

I have always seen so many beautiful images that others have done, & just had no idea where to actually start! And Janet Pink has always been so helpful & kind with advice – in fact she even started a FB group called The Pink Life where she offers advice, along with hints & tips on how to take your business/personal branding to the next level. I knew I had to chat to this beautiful lady & find out a little bit more…

Your name: Janet Pink
Business name: Flamingo Moon
Social media handles: Facebook & Instagram

Tell me more about what you do: We supply backdrops for flatlays and table top photos as well as props to make your pics look as beautiful as possible.

How did this idea come about: As I am always needing to take constant beautiful photos for my Pink Cosmetics products, I have collected lots of props along the years. I saw a gap in the market for props and backdrops as everyone needs to take their own photos for daily Social Media posts. Props are difficult to find and then to curate and put together for the right pic that will get noticed in Instagram. Then I had the idea to put a backdrop together with props that match and complement so that taking product shots becomes easy and simple.

Why is an instagram image so important to portray who you are & what you are trying to achieve: Instagram is so visual and you might only get 1 chance to show your brand/product/image to potential clients so ALL your pictures need to be 100% on point and beautiful.

I know a lot of people use their bedding/linen as a backdrop for product images. Why is this a big no-no? Uuuggh it’s my pet hate! It just looks like you made NO effort whatsoever & its normally creased and just looks terrible! Our goal: Never seeing another product shot on a duvet ever again!!!

You recently launched the insta prop packs – please explain more about these: You need the perfect balance between textures and colour to make a eye catching photo and it can be really hard to do this. We curated our Insta props kit with the latest trends in mind, to make it easy to take stunning pics that will be noticed. A blend of the right colours, textures, elements and that “magic touch” is what you will find in every kit. They are all limited edition and will not be available again once sold out. We will be launching new designs all the time, so your posts will be ever changing, but always on point and beautiful. Literally just add your product and shoot! This Insta prop set contains everything you need to mix and match, move the props around , and style up to 10 or more different flatlays in minutes!

What else do you sell: Backdrops for flatlays and tabletop backdrops for seamless product shoots. Props for all types of photos from beauty to food photos. We are working on our top down backsdrops too which will be 2 m x 2 mtr big.

Where can people buy these from: We are working on our stand alone website but in the meantime it’s exclusively on Pink Cosmetics website. Under the Flamingo Moon tab.

Why are you so attracted to beautiful things: Who isn’t? Pretty things make me happy and especially if they are covered in glitter!

I know you also have a group on FB called “The Pink Life”. Please can you explain a bit more about that: I never get much time to update it but it’s where I give back to my clients and followers by teaching them the basics of Instagram and shooting photos and tips and tricks for small business owners to make business easier. The things I have learnt on this journey.

Quote you live by: Everything happens for a reason. Even in my biggest mistake or formula flop I learn something new.

Anything else you want to add: I would like to thank all my clients and followers on both Flamingo Moon and Pink cosmetics for helping us grow and achieve sales everyday. I absolutely love what I do and it brings me so much joy. I am a single Mom and supporting small businesses like mine, literally means you are helping to pay for my children’s education, rent, food etc. Also it means I can work from home and not spending hours away from them at an office. Thanks to you all.

Isn’t this absolutely amazing? Janet has really taught me so much – & saved me from the bane of using my duvet cover as a backdrop for my product shots! Her Instagram kits are filled with beautiful things & really do enhance your posts.

If you want to be taken seriously on Social Media, then this is something that you really need to look at. Ask questions, learn from Janet, & experiment!

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