Stem Cell Transplant (Part 1)

This has been extremely difficult to write.  I have had to relive the most trying time of my life.  I have cried, laughed, & tried very hard to forget certain aspects of my stem cell transplant.  Going into it we knew there was a 55% chance that I wouldn’t make it – I would either […]

With Love Baby

One of the very first friends I made in Joburg had her baby shower this past week.  I always love to give gifts that I am sure nobody else would think of & find little gems that fit the personality of the parents.  My friend is one of those super organised people – she always […]

The Part-Time Vegan

Our friend that currently lives with us is a vegan and I have always been interested to see what she comes up with for her meals.  She has even allowed me to sample some of these (yum!) & I think is secretly converting my dogs into vegans too as they sample everything on her plate […]

Makeup by Ryno

Having this extra time to recover from my transplant has allowed me to discover myself once more, as well as what I am really passionate about.  And I realised how much I absolutely ADORE makeup & how much I miss doing my makeup, as well as others.  I have been out of this realm for […]

Rare Disease Day 2019

Being a #RareWarrior means that today is one of the most important days of the year.  As you can tell by the title, it is International Rare Disease Awareness Day.  Being part of Rare Diseases SA means that I get to see behind-the-scenes & I am constantly in awe of just how much this organisation […]

Mox and Louise

You guys!  I have been so flipping excited about doing this blog post, as these are the most gorgeous unique dolls that are created by Igna.  Every time I see another one of her posts showing her latest designs brought to life.  The thing I love best about these is that they are all so […]

Moo Cachoo

As I am sure you know by now, finding hidden gems of South African greatness is something that makes me very happy!  Somehow many of these seem to be baby/kids goods, even though I am not a mother myself.  I don’t know if it is the Facebook & Instagram algorithms that are seeing how much […]


I came across this great clothing line a while ago, & when I started reading more about them it truly pulled on my heart & I knew that more people needed to know about this.  A girl I went to college with always dresses her daughter in the most gorgeous outfits, & when I saw […]

Lois’s Beauty Studio

When I left school I studied for 3 years to become first a beauty therapist, & then a spa therapist.  I learnt all the basics such as manicures, pedicures, massage & facials; & then moved on to sports massage, reiki & more specialised treatments.  I absolutely loved doing this & meeting all the interesting people […]

Heavenly Apple Pie

I know that many people are not fans of baked fruit desserts, but believe me when I say that this will change your life!  This is a dessert that has been around in our family since I can remember, & it is my go to recipe that I use whenever I am making something for […]