Mother’s Love Products

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Last week I won a box filled with the most divine cleaning products from “Mother’s Love Products”. These eco-friendly products contain essential oils and no nasties, and also really clean your household to a degree that you expect from our regular store-bought products.

Having all the health issues I have, as well as being involved with many Rare Warriors means that I know first-hand the repercussions of making use of too many chemicals to keep us alive, and the knock on effect that means with multiple other meds needed to counteract the side effects. So if I can choose natural products in my daily life, I will do it!

Ina is passionate about making a difference to the environment, to our homes, and also to our lives in general. And these products are now going to become part of my daily cleaning and house-hygiene. Have you been paying closer attention to what products you are using?

Getting to know Mother’s Love Products

Your name: Ina Baard

Business name: Mother’s Love Products

Social media handles: Instagram, Facebook and Website.

3 fun facts about you: I am a bit of a hermit, but I adore my nieces and nephews – I call them my live entertainment Before starting Mother’s Love Products, I was an accountant but have always loved to surround myself with pretty things. Starting this business has really allowed me to nurture my creative side.

I have always loved to surround myself with pretty things

Ina Baard, owner of mother’s love products

What makes your products so unique: The beautiful, stylish packaging and labels are pretty enough to display in your home. I never could understand why cleaning products have to come in such ugly packaging. I wanted to give these items some love, and create not only natural but also non-toxic cleaning products. These products would create a sense of occasion when I use them, making me feel as spoiled as I do when I use a luxurious, delicious-smelling body product. All products have an essential oils base, specifically chosen for its cleaning properties, which also leaves your home smelling divine.

Which one product do you think every household needs: My Glass Cleaner with Grapefruit Essential oils is an incredible product- you can literally use it on ANY glass surface, windows, mirrors, your car’s window screen, shower door, glass tables – literally any surface. Some customers use it to clean their drinking glasses and they say it really make it sparkle. You can also use it to clean your computer or tv screen etc (just spray it on a cloth first).

When did you start with your passion for eco-friendly products: I grew up on a farm and then later in life I developed quite a lot of allergies, so my passion for eco-friendly products are both health as well as environmentally motivated, from a young age.

How can people order from you: Online –

Why is the use of non-toxic products so important: It absolutely breaks my heart to see what we do to the earth and the extent of mass destruction we have managed to achieve over the last few decades – just to mention a few – coral grave yards and the number of species that’s now completely extinct. I don’t think I need to say anything else on this topic. It speaks for itself.

How can people start making healthier choices: There are so many ways to make healthier choices. Our grandparents had the whole reduce, re-use thing down to an art. Instead of throwing things away, it got repaired and reused and products were bought for their longevity. Somebody once said to me her grandmother always said they are too poor to afford cheap products. That really spoke to me.

Which is your personal favourite product: Its hard to say, because they are all so good and so suitable for their function, but I think the Glass Cleaner might be my favourite child. I know I am supposed to love them all equally, but that one has got an extra special place in my heart

Quote you live by: I don’t really have a quote to live by, but the above mentioned quote from a friend’s grandmother who said “they are too poor to afford cheap products” has been on my mind lately.

I have absolutely loved trying out these products, and I love the smell that surrounds me as soon as I walk through my front door. I love that I can now know that my choices are healthy for me, my animals, and the environment. And I love that these choices are so easy to fulfill!

Please try to support local businesses whenever possible, and make healthy choices for you and our beautiful South Africa. Choosing Mother’s Love is an easy place for you to start.

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