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I love finding interesting ways to decorate my house, or unique gift ideas. I have all different pictures of our family all around our house, and I really appreciate hand-crafted gifts for myself – and this is often what I will choose to gift others too. This is why I was so excited when I came across the page Woven Whimsy.

Danielle is so creative and can make custom orders for you, your friends, and your family. She very kindly allowed me to interview her for my blog, and I can’t wait to show you some examples of her gorgeous work and ideas brought to life.

Woven Whimsy

Your name: Danielle

Photo by Shante Hutton Photography
Photo by Shante Hutton Photography

Business name: Woven Whimsy

Social media handles: Instagram, Facebook and Website

3 fun facts about you: I used to play the saxophone in high school, I can’t clench my toes, and I have a PhD in Human Genetics

Tell me a little more about your business: As Woven Whimsy, I make and sell fibre art. This initially started as woven tapestries, but more recently my focus has shifted to custom-made embroideries.

Where did the idea come from: Whilst on my second maternity leave with my daughter in 2018, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest. At that time, weaving was just beginning to become popular, and I decided to try to make a loom with scraps of wood and nails that were in our garage. My first attempt was a disaster, but after some practice I started to improve. I think my husband was a bit terrified of having woven tapestries covering every surface of our house, so I decided to try to sell them. My following grew slowly over a year or two. In June last year I decided to embroider a “C” for my daughter, Cara. A friend’s mom saw the photo on Facebook, and commissioned an “A” for her granddaughter. The response to the embroidered monograms has been incredible, and embroidery is now the main focus of Woven Whimsy.

Have you always been a creative being: Very much so. I’ve always had a creative heart, although I don’t think that I’m particularly artistic. I grew up with a mom and gran who would knit and sew, and I enjoyed arts and crafts throughout my youth. But I’m also a bit of a nerd, and went on to study genetics at varsity. Today, I’m a molecular geneticist in a private pathology laboratory, but I’ve always relied on creativity for my “soul food”. I have an amazing husband and two very busy kiddies, so it’s not always easy to find time for these things, but I’ve realised that it’s so important for my sanity.

“…but I’ve realised that it’s so important for my sanity.”

What is your personal favourite piece: It’s difficult to say, but probably my first embroidered monogram, the “C” for Cara.

Do you do custom orders: Yes, I primarily do custom orders.

What are the different products you offer: At the moment my main focus is embroidered monograms and ultrasounds, although I occasionally do other custom pieces if requested.

How can people order from you: Some of my products are listed on my website, but it’s usually easier to message me via email or Instagram to get the conversation started.

Why do you love what you do: I get to make pretty things, and people want to display them in their homes! It still blows my mind some days.

Something that we always say to our kids: “Listen, have fun, and be kind.”

Aren’t Danielle’s designs absolutely gorgeous? And don’t you want to rush over to place your order for one right now?

Please try to support local and support small businesses as much as possible. They are the people that need us all now more than ever, and do a literal happy dance whenever their businesses are supported!

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