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Lockdown really screwed a lot of us over!  So many people have lost their jobs, and just have no idea where to turn.  I know of families that are starving, and friends that have no idea when their next income will be received.

And then, a friend introduced me to Davy.  I gave him a call to find out more about this business that started during lockdown, and I KNOW that he is going to change the world one delicious cake at a time.

Davy lost his job at a well-known restaurant during lockdown where he had been a cleaner.  His new baby was only a few weeks old, and they had no idea how they were going to survive.  But Davy doesn’t give up!  He hustled, taught himself to bake by watching YouTube videos, and now is able to stay at home to look after their children while his wife is at work.  He then bakes from 5pm – 12am to ensure that his cakes are fresh for any orders that he has, and he has really found his creativity and passion.

Your name:  Davy Tsopo

Business name: Cakey by Davy

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Social media handles:  Facebook and Instagram

Tell me more about you:  Im Davy Tsopo. I am a father of two boys – Craig is  7 years and Travis is 5 months. I am married to Tatenda, who is a very hard working woman.

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Tell me about your business:  I bake delicious cakes!  I specialize in Vanilla, Carrot and Chocolate cakes, cupcakes and muffins.

How did you get into this business:  When Covid19 pandemic forced us into lock down I started teaching myself how to bake by following videos on YouTube. It was theory only because my oven stove was not yet connected. When we finally moved to level 4 of lockdown, an electrician connected my stove. I started doing muffins for my family and then moved to cakes. It was fun because I was teaching myself and I enjoyed it.

When did you start baking:  It was end of May when I started selling my muffins and cakes, and it was a huge relief for me because i was getting something for my family to eat. In June I officially started baking and I have never looked back. I have lovely friends who supports me. I can mention a few – Charlie K, Inge, JP, Luschka, Tania, in UK my friend Tendai in UK, –  all these people played a big role in starting this business.

How much are your cakes:  My cakes cost R150 medium and R250 for large.


How can people order from you:  Most of my customers order via Instagram and Facebook but some order through my friends.  You can whatsapp me on 084 430 7326 to order yours.

Where can people collect from:  I’m located at Linden, Johannesburg.

Why do you love baking so much:  I’m loving baking because I’m learning new things everyday.

How has this business changed your life:  I lost my job at Brian Lara as a cleaner. Now I can feed my family and pay bills.

Quote you live by:  In order to write about life first you must live it.

Anything else you want to add:  Thanks so much for supporting me. I’m still new in this industry but I’m loving each and every support I’m getting from all corners of this world. Stay safe one day we gonna conquer this Covid19. Peace, love and harmony.

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Guys, please support this wonderful man.  Davy is so humble, so kind, and honestly just wants the absolute best for his family.  Order your next birthday/anniversary/just because cake from him in Linden; and tell your friends about how delicious they are.  I am going to be sponsoring a giveaway with him, so make sure you keep an eye on his social media for when this is happening.

And if there are any bakers who would be willing to take Davy under their wing to teach him more and help him to really achieve his dreams, please contact me or Davy directly.  The fact that he has managed to achieve all of this through just watching YouTube videos shows that he has a natural talent, and with a little coaching could be the next big thing!  He would also really appreciate donations of baking goods to help take his business to the next level – he was mixing everything by hand (37 cakes for Father’s Day were all beaten and mixed by him personally), and recently received a large mixer to help make this process easier and quicker.

It has been so lovely getting to know him better, and I know that you will all adore him too.

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