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I am not a huge drinker, & thus when I came across this great product where you can buy glasses of wine that are sealed & easily able to transport to festivals/picnics & so on; I did a little happy dance.  I can enjoy a glass of wine on a hot Summer’s evening without the rest of the bottle going to waste.

They have great customer service, & to be honest, I was so intrigued when I saw the ChocoVino too!

Your name: Mark Tayler

Business name: Glass of Wine

Social media handles: Facebook & Instagram

Tell me a bit more about your business:  Product info:

It is quality wine already packaged in a handy 187ml PET (recyclable plastic) glass, which is all about convenience and “ready to go”. This product is perfect for all outdoor events, concerts and conferences, as it is not glass and therefore safe for the public.

The positive points are:

  • Easy and convenient with a peel-off lid!
  • Accessible: no pouring necessary and no wastage of open bottles of wine.
  • Ideal for picnics, braai’s, pool parties, mini bars, camping, game lodges, sports events, concerts, conferences, stadiums & other outdoor events.
  • The wine has a shelf life of at least 12 months and need not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Safe & unbreakable: Most outdoor venues don’t allow glass onto their premises, so this is the perfect product as there is no danger of broken glass.
  • Earth friendly: fully recyclable PET plastic.
  • Non-toxic plastic, i.e. BPA free.


Where did the idea for this business come from: The concept originated in the UK. The product was in fact featured on the Dragon’s Den where it was turned down as a bad idea. When the program eventually aired on BBC, Marks & Spencer saw it and decided to list. Today M&S do around 1.5m glasses per annum selling at £2.99. It was therefore one of those concepts that slipped through the Dragon’s Dens net.

Where can people buy these from: Various Spars, Tops and Food Lovers Markets around the country. Also online at


What does your range comprise of:  The product is branded as “Single Serve” and the range comprises of:

  • Dry White: Chenin Blanc
  • Dry Red: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Rosé: Semi-sweet Rosé – Mainly Chenin Blanc with a touch of Pinotage for colour.
  • Sangria: Red Sangria with hints of cinnamon, cloves and citrus fruits (packaged in a white glass and available end of Nov)

All the wines come from De Wet Cellars, situated in Worcester. Our state of the art filling machine is based next door at Breedevalley Bottling Company.


Quote you live by: “Those who say they can and those who say they can’t are both usually right.”

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room.”


In my opinion these are PERFECT for New Year’s Eve, & any events where you don’t want to lug around a whole bottle of wine, or want to look a little more sophisticated drinking out of an actual wine glass.

The best part of it is that they are 100% recyclable & I can’t wait to try them all out.  Warren is most excited about the Merlot, whilst I am more of a fan of Rosé.  Please let me know if you have tried them yet & what you think!


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