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Handmade cold process soap from natural oils and luxurious butters. Unless otherwise indicated, all our soap contains olive & coconut oil with blends of other oils and butters as indicated in the description of each soap.

100 Degrees Fahrenheit

How do you choose which local businesses to support? And how do you begin to find them? This has always been one of my biggest gripes, but I am always excited when my friend Maughin from The Edit shares her discoveries such as 100 Degrees Fahrenheit with me.

With options of the most gorgeous handmade artisan soaps and cotton cloths available to purchase, I instantly fell in love. I have a succulent-shaped soap but there is a variety of shapes and scents to suit every individual, and I can’t wait for you to see more!

Get to know more about 100 Degrees Fahrenheit

Your Name: Saartjie

Your Business Name: 100 Degrees Fahrenheit

Social media handles: Instagram, Facebook and Website

3 fun facts about you: I can jay-board, my previous business was dressmaking, I’m actually quite boring.

Your soaps are absolute works of art! What made you want to create such beautiful pieces: There is so much inspiration out there, nature, Pinterest, Instagram; one can hardly help but to feel inspired. Oh and texture, I love texture.

What makes your soaps so unique: I’m the same as most soap artisans in the sense that I use natural products, other than than that I make some of my moulds myself. Each artisan develops an own style and blueprint. We are all unique really.

Which is your personal favourite scent and design: I have a flavour of the moment until the next one… and the next one..

Which have you found to be your most popular soaps: It varies, at the moment the succulent and cacti soaps are doing great, but for the non-glycerine artisan handmade soap the Fig & pear keep leading the pack.

Why did you choose to go into this business: It started as a hobby that expanded out of boundaries, interest from friends and relatives and then Covid.

I see you have also added other products to your selection – please tell me more about these: Like the soap, the crochet cotton face & body cleaners and the concrete items also have a natural and eco friendly feel to it. It all fits the good for skin, good for earth picture.

How can people purchase from you: One can view the products online and then order via email or whatsapp.

Why do you encourage people to support local: Oh man, we have to take hands and help each other forward. There is so much local creativity. And then there is the local economic benefit.

Quote you live by: Don’t look back, it distracts from the now.

Anything else you want to add: I love you influencers & bloggers, your energy, the momentum you create. It really helps the rest of us.

Aren’t these soaps just divine?

I’m obsessed with every single one of them, and I have loved getting to know Saartjie better through this blog and our interactions. She is the most gorgeous soul, and I know that this business deserves to flourish. Make sure you follow her on social media and show your support by ordering some of these soaps for yourself.

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