Super Sauced

Are you a person that smothers your food in delicious sauce, or do you prefer it bland? I have always been a fan of yummy sauces to suit my mood and the type of meal that I am eating. So when I was sent some delicious hot sauces by Vera from Super Sauced, I immediately […]

Bella Boneca

When you meet someone, the first thing you notice is their face & their skin.  After suffering from teenage acne, & also having very pale skin that scars easily I have always put some research into what I am using on my skin.  Thanks to FB & Instagram’s algorithms they now suggest different skincare products […]

Be Kind To Every Kind

Did you know that this month is #PlasticFreeJuly? When I found out about this, I vowed that I was going to do my little bit to be more eco-friendly.  I have chosen to say “NO!” to plastic bags at all the shops, & carry my own fabric bags with me.  If I forget them at […]