Bits & Blobs

Have you ever watched a clip/video & been completely mesmerized, so you carry on watching what they have available & before you know it a couple of hours have passed?  This is what happened when I came across Bits & Blobs on Instagram & Facebook.  She makes absolutely gorgeous slimes & squishy things, & her […]

Snuggle Bugs

Have you seen the story/image on Facebook that has been doing the rounds about having a toy made from Grandpa’s shirt so that the grandchildren can remember him?  When I saw this it really touched me, as I know I would have loved one of these from both my dad & my grandpa.  When I […]

Addi is the BOMB!

Princess Addison is such a special little girl.  When I first met her, I was completely enamored by her friendliness, zest for life & her complete love for animals.  We bonded whilst watching The Trolls & she chatted away to me about all sorts, & getting to see life through a child’s eyes truly reminded […]

Pretty Bright Girls

When Libby started helping us in our home some time back, I asked her what she would like to wear.  Did she want to wear civvies, or would she rather have a uniform?  She said a uniform would suit her better as this made it feel like she was going to work & she didn’t […]

Oh My (Cake)!

I first heard about Oh My Cake! when they contacted us & offered to make a cake for the Rare Bear Project‘s second birthday.  I was really impressed by this contact as they are a relatively small business, yet they still wanted to find a way to be able to give back to the community.  […]


“That’s the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It’s the most powerful magic in the world, the only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs.” ― Rumplestiltskin Growing up I LOVED fairytales!  In fact, I still love them…  I think the idea of “happily […]

Rogue’s Pawsome Bakery

If you know anything about me, you know that my animals are my children & our number one priority!  They sleep in the bed with us; come on holiday when we go away (when possible); & I have cried nearly every time I have had to take them to the vet.  There are times that […]


Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair In seventy seven and sixty nine, revolution was in the air I was born too late, into a world that doesn’t care Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair –I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker […]

Tuesday Jewellery

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.” – Marie Beynon Ray I follow an amazing local jeweller called Tuesday Jewellery (check […]