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A friend recently tagged me in a post showing me Megy Design’s fabulous work & I was immediately drawn to her style & talent.  Plus her name is pretty damn cool, so I knew I had to make contact!

This designer, doodler & wannabe-hipster (her own words) is a super mum & truly a beautiful soul.  I am sure that you will agree after reading a little bit more about her & her business…

Your name: Megan Andrews

Business name: Megy Designs

Social media handles:  Facebook Instagram & Website

What do you do: I am a freelance graphic designer and illustrator 🙂

Why do you love what you do: I have always been a creative person, and I have been drawing since I was 5. I now have the opportunity to do what I love to support my little family, and isn’t that the dream? I love being able to draw and create fantasy worlds, and I love it when clients give me a drawing challenge.

How can people order from you: either via my Instagram account or via email on

How did you get into this, & what did you do before: I used to work in publication and started freelancing my my first daughter was born. I now get to work for a whole collection of awesome clients and everyday is new challenge.

What does being creative mean to you: Everything

Do you do custom orders: Absolutely!

What are some of your favourite things that you have worked on: I am currently helping to develop a kiddies stationary range and this year I have illustrated 3 children’s books, all different styles and all wonderful projects!

Quote you live by: Something I saw on Twitter last week: ‘If you could believe in Santa for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for 5 minutes.’

Anything else you want to add: Just that I am trying my hardest to get my first solo children’s book published at the moment, so keep an eye out for ‘Henry’ 🙂

Please contact Megan if you have any ideas you want brought to life, & make sure you follow her on social media.  I’m trying to decide whether I want a unicorn or family portrait from this lovely lady – or if I should just do both!  What do you think?



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