Fresh Timber

Why do trees make the worst frenemies? Because they are the best at throwing shade! I love natural wood products.  Products that are made with so much love, and hold memory in every grain.  Products that have been sawed, and cut, and shaped into something new and special.  Products that aren’t just available in bulk […]

Keeping It Candid

Finding bloggers and influencers that speak to who you are, encourage you, and inspire you is so important.  No longer should we simply follow people who we think fit into the cookie cutter mold that society wants to force us into – it’s not just about the perfect feed with the blonde-hair blue-eyed family.  It’s […]

Sometimes I Feel; Emotional Development Resources

I met Sarah when she bought one of our Rare Bears in an online auction, and I immediately clicked with her when she came through to collect the teddy.  We sat outside and spoke for ages, and have stayed in contact ever since.  Her heart is so pure, and she honestly does all she can […]

The Tiny Dollhouse

When I think back to creating happy memories as a child, I think back to spending hours creating fairy gardens or playing with my Barbies in their house that my uncle built.  I think back to magic, imagination and love.  Recently Charlie Loves Studio shared a story on her Instagram about a beautiful business that […]

Ruby Tuesday Resin

During lockdown, I put much time and effort into finding new businesses that really spoke to me.  I spent time chatting to these business owners, and seeing who I truly resonated with.  I never want to recommend a business if the owner is unfriendly or unhelpful, and certainly if I discover bad reviews about them. […]


I scour the internet daily for competitions that I can enter – and hopefully win something. I have been quite lucky, but husband is forever saying to me, “Can’t you enter a competition that I benefit from as well?” So around Valentine’s Day I entered a few competitions with goodies for HIM, & I won […]

Michelle Funke Coaching

Michelle is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She is so kind, and after only one session with her I felt like I had huge breakthroughs in my life. I have had life and business coaching before, but still didn’t really understand the full benefits of it. That was until I […]

Backdrop Shop

During lockdown I have been spending extra time on growing my skills, attending online classes, and definitely more time on social media! I have been following both of these businesses that I am discussing in this blog for some time, but during lockdown I was able to catch an Instagram live that Cas was doing, […]


I met Inshaaf through a Facebook group we are both part of, & we just clicked.  I love her passion for her business & her Instagram feed gives me all the feels.  I haven’t personally tried her products (yet!), but I have only seen positive reviews & they just sound so divine. So let’s dive […]


Vriendinne + gin = Vrienginne When I saw this name, I immediately had a huge goofy grin on my face!  You guys, how cute is it? I haven’t yet sampled them myself (it’s on my to-do list though I promise, but jeepers this Janu-WORRY has been real!) but there are only positive reviews on their […]