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Have you seen the story/image on Facebook that has been doing the rounds about having a toy made from Grandpa’s shirt so that the grandchildren can remember him?  When I saw this it really touched me, as I know I would have loved one of these from both my dad & my grandpa.  When I came across a company called Snuggle Bug Goodies, tears immediately came to my eyes & I was so touched by what Elaine is doing & that she has brought this idea to life!

Your name: Elaine Geldenhuys
Your business name: Snuggle Bug Goodies (Instagram can be found here)

When did you start: Wow very long ago in 2011 when we were planning our first baby, and I saw a need for baby bedding and room accessories. The business evolved and I ended up making alot of bears for nursery decor. Then one day someone asked me to make a keepsake and this venture was born.

What does your business do: I mainly make keepsake/Memory bears from old baby clothing and also for someone that has passed and you want to keep a momento.
But then I also make rag dolls, ballerinas, unicorns, cats, and bunnies.


Why did you start this: I love seeing the face of the person receiving one of my bears and them having that nostalgia of where the items came from or when they were worn.

What did you do before: I studied fashion design and was working in retail when I met my husband, and like most things in life plans change.

What is your favourite & why: The bears I make are each one different in their own way. So it is very exciting every time I get clothing to see how this one is going to turn out.

What are your average prices: the keepsakes are R230 and the rag dolls range between R150-R200

What quote do you live by: Having worked in retail I know what customer service is and should be, and I just believe that honesty is king.

Anything else you want to add: It’s difficult in today’s age having your own small business, trying to make a name for yourself and money. I’m a stay at home mom now with 2 busy boys making soft toys but i am loving every minute of it.


I wish I had known about these sooner as I really think they are something that will be treasured forever.  Please contact Elaine via either of her social media channels, or via email ( to place your order.  Remember that special person forever x

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