IT’S OKAY to not always be okay

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Have you ever met someone & just clicked with them from the word go?  They just get you, your craziness, & love you through/despite your ups & downs.  To me, this person is Charlie – from Charlie Foxtrot Illustrations & Charlie and Beastie.  She has the most AMAZING talent, & she found space in her heart to squeeze me in & love me for who I am.


When I saw that she was bringing out colouring pictures, I knew that I had to get in line to get it!  And it is now available through Etsy, or you can contact her directly to place your order for the download of these.  You can then print these off & spend your days coloring in & releasing some creativity – ideal for during my next hospital admission or treatment.  She evens occasionally offers one-of-a-kind commissions & just wants to make the world a better place.  She is my spirit sister!

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Your business name: Charlie and Beastie

When did you start & why: We made it official this year but they were “born” in 2014.

What made you decide to make these colouring in pictures: More than anything was the requests that came in and all the people who kept saying I should create some, I finally gave in and actually loved it so much that we’ve done a colouring in book as well that will go live in November 🙂 and we’ll hopefully have a different set monthly.

What was your inspiration behind each pic: For most of these ones I played on my own interests and talents and the fact that it doesn’t matter what you decide to be you should go and do it. This particular set is more “realistic” but we’ll have a fantasty careers set out next 🙂

What do you hope to achieve through these: Personally drawing really helps with calming my brain and settling the anxiety though I know that most people think they can’t draw so this way I’m hoping to help other people calm down even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

Which one is your favourite: Tough one! I’m going to say the front page because it has a little bit of every page 😉

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Where does Charlie & the Beastie come from/the story behind this: This is a long story, one I have yet to really put into proper words which is something I have been meaning to do for their website. In short I was going through a really tough period and working at a job where I was belittled daily, one day I started doodling this character and she just sort of grew from a few lines to the Charlie you know today. She helped me through it all and stuck around when I started freelancing, then last year I hit another rough patch and Beastie appeared. He’s pretty much taken on a life of his own now, they both have really. I just help them voice what they have to say which is that IT’S OKAY to not always be okay, to be a little weird, to be what you want to be, to be smart, to be afraid of the dark and to love who you need to.

What quote do you live by: IT’S OKAY to not always be okay

Where can people order these from: They are available via Etsy but they are also available directly from our Instagram page if you just send a DM because I know that not everyone has the ability to buy with a card.

Any other info you want to add:  The reason they cost more on Etsy than when bought directly is because Etsy charges per listing as well as deducts from every sale you make.

Charlie, I am so grateful for you in my life & thank you for sharing your talent with the world.  You are one in a million & you brighten my day with every message that you send.  May your business flourish, & may it continue to bring joy to everyone who has the honour of being in contact with you!  I still can’t believe I own one of these shirts from so long ago – it’s like this friendship was meant to be.okay.png

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