Megy Designs

A friend recently tagged me in a post showing me Megy Design’s fabulous work & I was immediately drawn to her style & talent.  Plus her name is pretty damn cool, so I knew I had to make contact! This designer, doodler & wannabe-hipster (her own words) is a super mum & truly a beautiful […]


After my blog on Jislaaik Online Store, I decided to delve a bit deeper into some of their products that they feature as I was super interested in what they have on offer, as well as the different art & talent that was being shown off.  The one page that really stood out to me […]

IT’S OKAY to not always be okay

Have you ever met someone & just clicked with them from the word go?  They just get you, your craziness, & love you through/despite your ups & downs.  To me, this person is Charlie – from Charlie Foxtrot Illustrations & Charlie and Beastie.  She has the most AMAZING talent, & she found space in her heart […]